Chapter 55- New Chapter

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Whoa Baby

Chapter 55- New Chapter

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." ― Douglas Adams

Three Months Later

It was decided, and supported by my family and friends, that the opportunity for college had to be taken. I worked with the school counselors as best as I could, making a schedule that would help me get through the year. JC, for the most part, communicated rather well with the housing committee to get our own place because of the baby. We didn't want it to be a problem if Colton woke up in the middle of the night crying, and I certainly didn't want Colton's daily schedule altered more than it had to be. It was best if we didn't have a roommate.

Summer was almost to an end. There was about three weeks left until move in day for students and even fewer days until classes started. JC had taken today off to bring us to the small on campus apartment Pennbrook has. There was still a few things to decide on, but nothing major. JC looked for parking, which wasn't hard to find since no one was really on campus. He directed us to the place, looking intently at the papers in his hands as I struggled more and more carrying Colton in his carrier. I guess I never realized how easy it was when he was four months, never mind at seven months.

"Right here on the first floor." JC says, pointing to a door down the hall.

I nod my head, shifting Colton in the carrier from one hand to another. It would have been easier to just carry him. Instead of a key like a normal apartment would have it was a code. I didn't know it, yet, but JC punched it in and held open the door. Taking a quick first look it just seemed like one big room.

Opening the door you walked directly into a gray carpeted section which I assume would be a common living area. About fifteen feet in was a section of white titles, introducing a wall of light oak cabinets and white appliances. Both room were empty. Not a picture in sight, not a left over plastic spoon in a draw, not even a napkin or a dust bunny.

"So." I exaggerate, letting the baby carrier touch the floor the moment I could, "How's this going to work out?"

"Well there's two rooms. Surely one is going to be the nursery." JC established taking long strides to one of the rooms. I followed behind, standing in the door way with him as we looked into one of the rooms. It wasn't a horrible size. It would be roomie enough for three twin beds and a dresser if college students were sharing. It's just enough for a crib, changing table and my rocking chair. I wouldn't bring all the baby furniture here, my mom would think I would never visit.

Once I pictured where everything could go I walked over to the room right next to it. It's the same size, no bigger nor smaller. The windows were even in the same place too. "I was thinking that maybe you take this room and I'll bring in a sofa couch. I've got one in my basement back home that my mom wouldn't mind me bringing over." JC suggested. I slowly nodded my head wondering where a sofa couch would fit in this room along with my bed, a small bureau, and desk. The rooms here aren't that big to begin with. 

"Where would you put it?" I ask, picturing a large couch up against one of these walls. "What about a bed?"

"No, no, out there. The couch is a bed. It's one of those pull out ones I told you about." JC mentions, indicting the place when he throws back his head. We turn out of the room and face the small living area that was connected with the kitchen right when you walked in the front door. "It'll look like a living room. The only time you'll see the bed pulled out is at night. By morning it'll look like a couch again."

That didn't sound like a bad idea. It was one thing, a different thing, that he slept in my room, sometimes, because Colton was also in my room, and my parents under the same roof. I don't think they'd be too keen on the fact with us sleeping in the same room anymore. Or even the same bed. That would be a no. My mom was already wary having us under the same roof. It's not the 'Christian thing to do' I could already hear her in my head saying. Living together and not married isn't the correct choice, it goes against what The Bible says. 

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