Chapter 11 | Flames of Rebellion

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"Uh oh. Here we go again," I thought, feeling the tension rise as I raced out of the forge, my father Stoick not far behind, tearing through the village in pursuit.

"Stoick, give the girl a break," Lotus tried to calm him, her attempt to mediate only serving to ignite his anger further. But I appreciated her effort. "She's just a child."

"She's not just a child!" He scowled at me, and I couldn't help but avert my gaze in humiliation. "She's my child! And she knows better! I didn't raise her to be a dragon-loving freak, and I will not tolerate it!" The word "freak" cut deep, making me question myself.

"She has to learn who the authority is!" He continued his lecture, and I gritted my teeth, clenching my fists in response to his harsh words. "If she can't figure out whose side she's on, she might as well-"

"STOICK!" Lotus called out, trying to prevent him from saying something he might regret.

"She may have been blessed with my strength, but it's wasted on this dragon-loving nonsense," he scolded, fueling my frustration and anger. "I have a village to take care of, and she's making it a very difficult task."

"She's just trying to do the right thing," Lotus defended, providing some solace in her support as I stood, taking the verbal onslaught, refusing to fight back despite my growing turmoil. Astrid came over to comfort me while my father's rage continued.

"We're Vikings!" He bellowed. "We kill dragons! It's what we do! If she wants to do the right thing, she can stop getting in the way!"

The words were a final straw. My anger overwhelmed me, and I clenched my fists so tightly that blood began to pour from my hands. But the pain went unnoticed as my hair suddenly lit up in light blue flames, stunning everyone in the village except Stoick and Lotus. My newfound power left me bewildered. I had magic?

"Oak?" Astrid worried, reaching out to me. However, her hand recoiled from the heat emitted by my flaming hair.

"Are you okay?!" I panicked.

"Am I okay?!" She shrieked. "Oak, what in Thor's name was that about?" I shared everything with Astrid, who felt offended not to have known about my powers, but I couldn't blame her, for I was just as surprised.

"I have no idea," I admitted truthfully. The revelation about my magic was a mystery even to me. My father's gaze pierced through me as he spoke with Gobber and Spitelout, still facing my direction.

"No more capturing dragons. From now on, we kill on sight," he insisted. Shock and horror gripped me at his words. Aqua, the Mudraker dragon, was to be executed at sundown.

"NO?!" I cried out, unable to bear the thought. He couldn't do this to her. I attempted to plead with him, to change his mind, but my efforts proved futile.

"ENOUGH, HOPELESS!" He hissed, delivering a painful blow that sent me to the ground. I glanced up at him, my heart aching at his disapproving gaze. "I have never been more disappointed in you!"

Astrid could sense what I was thinking and sighed, nodding in understanding, though clearly upset. Gathering my resolve, I stood up, my hair once again ablaze, and clenched my fists determinedly.

"I'm sorry, Dad," I spoke softly. "I never meant to disappoint you. But I can't let you hurt her."

I scowled at my father in unwavering determination, and without hesitation, I darted past him, faster than I had ever run before—impossibly fast. I headed straight for the arena, the entire village following in my wake. With my newfound powers, I blew open the arena gates, revealing the trapped Mudraker. I approached her carefully, and she nuzzled my hand with affection, just like a lost puppy seeking comfort.

"Stand back, Girl," I warned, my hands heating up as I melted the cage bars. Stepping back, I covered my ears, urging Aqua to use her Sonic blast. The resonating soundwave obliterated the cage, setting her free. She bounced around excitedly before nuzzling into my side, expressing gratitude. Climbing onto her back, I knew what had to be done.


"My name is Oakley!" I corrected, not letting his disapproval break my determination.

"WHAT IN THOR'S NAME DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" The chief's bellowing echoed through the arena, but I remained steadfast.

"Crossing the line," I declared, both in defiance and resolve, knowing that I couldn't stand by and watch Aqua suffer. With that, Aqua and I took off, our new bond guiding us toward a different path, even if it meant defying my father.

Crossing the Line | Oakstrid StoryWhere stories live. Discover now