When you pick him up from the airport- CHANGBIN

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Changbin x female reader

Genre: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

Word count: 2.6k

Summary: you ex asks you to pick him up from the airport what happens after surprises you both.

Warnings: 18+ MDNI, unprotected sex, oral female receiving, cock teasing, tittie fucking , cumming, mind blowing orgasms and the use of inappropriate language (swearing). 

*Ting ting*


"Hey.....are you still okay to pick me up from the airport"

Changbin, now your ex-boyfriend, had been gone for two months for work. Well, that's what he said anyway, the truth was you and Changbin had broken up three months ago after you argued about taking the next stage in your relationship.


"I should be okay...what time is your flight in."

Changbin wanted to take things up a level. He wanted to have a baby and get married. However, you thought you were too young to settle down, and you dreamt of travelling the world. Leading you to brake up with him.


Three months earlier.

"I can't fucking do this anymore, changbin.... I don't know how often we have to go through this," you said, pacing the bedroom.

"Until you tell me why you don't want to have a baby with me" he was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.

"Because changbin," you said, so frustrated.

"But why?..... do you not love me," he started tearing up.

"Of course I love you," you said, trying to grab his hand.

"Then why do you not want me to be happy" he was looking up at you, it broke your heart to do this to him, but you were a man. How could he do this to you? You thought you were happy.

"Because I don't want to ruin my fucking life", you scream.

"So having a baby with me would ruin your life....I know where I stand," he said, packing his stuff into a bag.

"Changbin, please," you said, trying to calm him down.

"Well, I'm sorry the last four years with me have wasted your time....I thought I was building a life with you...god was I fucking wrong," he said, shoving all his clothes into the bag.

"I'm sorry, changbin," you said, starting to cry as you sat on the bed.

"I just need some time," he says, zipping his bag up.

"Where are you going?" You said, following him to the door.

"Please don't make this any harder on me," he says, turning around and placing his hand on your cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Binnie....I want to be able to do this for you. I do" he wraps his big muscular arms around you as he kisses the top of your head.

"I know....I know you do...." He just wanted to hold you one last time.


Three weeks later.

*Ting ting*


"Hey, I'm 15 minutes away. Your home?"


"Yeah, I am... I packed your stuff up, so it's easier for you to pick up."

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