4:58am - Han

976 6 2

Pairing: JIsung x Reader

Genre: 🌶️

Word count: .3k

Warning: PANIC ATTACKS, other then that none.

"Y/N", the crack in his voice could be heard as he filtered through the crowd to get to you.

You felt a warmth course through your veins as you saw him make his way through the crowd, his determination to get to you palpable. His face softened as he saw the fear in your eyes and he knew he had to reach you in time. He was close enough now to feel the pain radiating off of you as your breaths became more shallow and your body grew tense.

"Ji..." you said softly, causing him to push his way through the last group of people.

"I'm here, baby... it's okay," he says, panting while cupping your face. "It's okay....just me and you...just look at me" his eyes focused on you as his thumbs caressed your cheeks.

The world seemed to stop in these kinds of moments, but the tightness in your chest still remained as your fear of crowns crept back in.

"Baby....I told you to hold onto me," he said, covering your ears, trying to stop you from overstimulating. He pulls you into his chest tightly, squeezing your body; Han, too, has panic attacks, so he's always been good a grounding you.

"I'm sorry, ji", you mumbled into his chest.

"Sorry for what?" He said, kissing your head.

He pulls your head up to kiss your lips softly. "I'm sorry....I wrecked our date."

"What!....you didn't wreck anything?" he smiled.

Again kissing you, his lips lingering longer than anticipated, you grab onto his hoodie and squeeze your eyes shut.

"Let's go home", he whispered against your lips; it was moments like these when you truly loved Han.

"But you're hungry," you said softly enough for Han to hear you.

"We can get food on the way", he smiled, locking his fingers in yours. "Now don't let go of my hand again.....okay" he smiled as he brushed your cheek one last time before his eyes searched for a gap in the crowd. 

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