Chapter 11: War

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Janna: Sources say insurgents are still at large. While the death of Shaco could've put a dent in the fight against world peace, events are still unfolding, now with the help of Chem-Barons, the most notorious gang found across the city in Zaun. Some people say that with the power and/or remnants of Shaco's associates and the strength of numbers in the Chem-Barons, the world may be a rougher place. Jayce, our chief of security has this to say on the matter...

And... Jayce? Wow... he's changed a lot. 

He used to have a beard, now it seems he's shaved, started using acne medicine. 

Is that... parted hair I see too? 

Well, an officer turned security consultant, I don't expect anything less. 

I look in the background, and he's giving a speech in front of his demolished building. 

Jayce: People of Piltover, Zaun, Noxus, and all surrounding areas. The attack on Jayce tower resulted in 1,356 innocent people, struck down by these... savages. I want to tell you all that we are working on getting the help and resources to those families who need it. What happened that day was catastrophic, and it seems like this enemy that we face, it's only the beginning. 

He puts his hands on either side of his podium, and stares right into the camera.

This is the Jayce I remember...

Jayce: Personally, I see this as a unique moment in history. this nation, and many others allied, must seize this moment. I see it as this... we can defend freedom, so that our children, generations, for years to come, can live in peace. Or... we blick. If we blink, the rest of Runeterra, will blink as well. We must find terror wherever it hides and bring it to justice. 

He then takes off his sunglasses, scolding the camera as cameras snap pictures as he narrows in. 

It reveals bloodshot eyes, lack of sleep, pure focus that has consumed the man. 

Jayce: For Gang Four, and your little Chem-Barons, my name is Jayce, owner and founder of Jaytech, a Noxian army affiliate, and I am not afraid of either of you. You guys are cowards, hiding, and attacking things like a bunch of middle school bullies, like real cowards do... So, I have decided, you all just marked your graves, your empires are finished. No politics, this... is... war... and if you guys aren't cowards, you will face the full force of the Runeterra united military forces...

The people clap as he smirks in the camera, he means business...

It transitions back to Janna, smiling in the camera. 

Janna: Following the speech given out front of Jaytech memorial, reports say there is a heavier miltiary presence around Zaun. Some say cruel, while others say necessary. 

it transitions, displaying a recorded interview with, oh! Mega Mundo!

Reporter: What do you think of all the presence in the area, does it threaten your business? 

Mundo: Ehh... before, old Mundo was treating chemical wounds, burn wounds from all around. Now, although Mundo lacks the business, Mundo is very happy when he sleeps at night, knowing people don't need injuries treated, especially with the military now here to get rid of gang violence, the police... Mundo didn't like them, and to be honest, lazyness is unacceptable. They... stormed my shop about an hour ago, looking for Chem-Barons... but, of course, Mundo does not try to serve gang members. Mundo only prays that the military locks them up instead of what Mundo knows what they normally do...

He looks into the camera as he says that last sentence. 

Woah... when did Mundo get so buff...

Like... he was fit before from the training, but now he is JACKED! 

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