Chapter 29: Range

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Fast forward about another week into December.

Christmas is coming up, and... I am told not to worry about it. 

Well, I do know how to follow orders, they literally told me, many times, to not get them anything. 

I overheard Kai and Eve talking in her dorm about "giving me the Christmas I never had" which... I have no idea what that means, because... I did celebrate Christmas... kinda...

Y/N: So... why did you guys take me to the shooting range? 

Eve: Because... seeing is believing, now, come. 

This is a mistake, this is a horrible idea, I really should not be in this car. 

I love these girls but come the fuck on! 

Kali: You should teach me how to shoot!

Kai: He'll teach all of us how to shoot... won't he? 

Y/N: Ugh... you guys won't be as good as me... this takes months if not years of practice. 

Kali: Is that a challenge? 

Y/N: No, it's just factual. You would know, you don't learn how to latch onto someone and squeeze the life out of them in just a day.

Kai: I trust his word on this... we'll probably look like Sera playing COD for the first time...

Kali: She was so terrified; it was so funny. 

Y/N: COD? 

Kali: Call of Duty? Do you even use the internet on that computer? 

Y/N: Not for... media... sorry. It's a war game, I'm guessing?

Kali: A shooting game.

Y/N: Well, I'll tell you the classic boomer stuff where it's nothing like the games, because... well, it really fucking isn't. My gun has a small but fast cartridge, and various forms of compensation, but you will still feel it. 

Kali: You know they used your gun in John Wick? Actually, I bet your gun is named after that... yours is just... militarized. 

Y/N: It's just all black, and now it's Jinx-ified with the red night sights on it. 

Kai: More like... rose colored, because it's pinkish.

Eve: Like my p- 

Kali: ALRIGHT!!! We're here! 

We head inside, and absolutely nobody is here, this shooting range is dead. 

It only has the poor soul that has to "watch" us. 

Instructor: Hello and welcome to the Piltover range... pick any lane and get started... I'll be around to- 

Kali: It's okay, we have a professional! 

Instructor: But I am sure he isn't licensed-

Y/N: No... but... I was in the army.

I put my hands on the table as Kali leans. 

Instructor: Hot tits... just... go find a lane...

Kali: You-

Y/N: Kali... please, let's just humor him, he's not worth it. 

I put my hand on her shoulder, which reveals my wrist tattoo as he looks up at us. 

I look back at him and he's as pale as a ghost, that's when I figured out it was my tattoo that got him. 

The Lone Wolf (K/DA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now