Hashira Meeting

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After Giyuu and Nezuko woke up next morning, Giyuu entertained her (Braiding her hair, lifting her into the air, allowing her to feed his crow, etc) until Tanjiro picked her up, while thanking Yuu again and again. After that, he cleaned up his estate, when his crow gave him a message. "Hashira meeting yesterday...or was it Tomo-Tom-Tomioka?" What the hell was with this crow? Giyuu just let out a sigh before saying "Please take your time. "T-T-Tomorrow? Or today?"The crow stuttered out. This is stupid. "It's okay, Kanzaburou, I'll ask someone else, okay?" Yuu said after a while of waiting. I'm still surprised by the amount of patience he has. The crow said something about a 'Hashira meeting'...Does that mean Yuu is a Hashira? Once Giyuu finished tending to his crown, he quickly grabbed his sword and left. I took my eyes off him for 1 second, and he'd completely disappeared. 'Hey, wait for my Yuuu!' I shouted behind him, even though I knew he wouldn't be able to hear me. He has gotten much faster, no wonder he's a Hashira. I'm really proud of him. He's grown so much. He's finally become a real man, a real demon slayer, a Hashira. I'm glad he didn't let my death stop him from becoming stronger. When I finally caught up to him, he was kneeling down with a bunch of other people beside him. They must be the other hashira...They're amazing...Just from their aura you can tell they're strong...They look scary too. "OI, OI! LOOK THE ARROGANT BASTARD FINALLY DECIDED TO SHOW UP!" A white haired guy with purple eyes and scars all around his body shouted. Was he talking about Yuu in that way? 'Arrogant bastard?' Yuu was the least arrogant person in this world. He literally always doubts himself and blames himself for everything. "Please calm down, Shinazugawa-san and refrain from using insults." A girl with purple hair and a butterfly clip said in a slightly angry tone. At least someone is defending Yuu..."Shinazugawa is right, Kocho. Of course this bastard is late. He thinks he's better than us and uses it as an excuse to be late." A guy with black hair and mismatched eyes, wearing a mask shouted from the tree he was perched on. This guy too...? Yuu was late because of his stupid crow, not because he thinks he's better than you. Hell, he probably thinks the exact opposite of what you said. Are they the reason Giyuu cuts? If they are, I'll make sure to haunt them for the rest of their lives."Iguro-san, that's really mean!" A girl with bright pink and green hair exclaimed. So she supports Giyuu too? "Why are you defending someone like him, Kanroji?" The black haired masked guy, I think his name was Iguro, said. He was starting to annoy me. Just because Yuu was late once, you'll call him arrogant? "I AGREE WITH KANROJI! TOMIOKA IS OUR FELLOW COMRADE, WE SHOULDN'T TALK BADLY ABOUT HIM!" Shouted a guy with flame coloured hair. I'm glad he's defending Giyuu. "I agree with Rengoku. Although being late isn't flamboyant, talking bad about our fellow comrade isn't flamboyant either!✨" A guy with white hair, drenched with accessories said. "Master is here." Said a young boy with long black and teal hair. He looked fairly young to be a Hashira...he must be crazy talented. I looked over to the center to see a black haired man walk out with 2 twins supporting him. They were the same people from Final Selection! "I'm pleased to see you in good health, Master." Said the white haired boy, I think his name was Shinaguzaghawa (it doesn't matter, he talked shit about Giyuu, so I don't like him.😤) said. Even if I don't like him, I was surprised by how quickly he changed moods. From how he behaved, I could tell he was a pretty aggressive person, the type to not have much respect for anyone, so this guy in front of us must be good to be able to tame him..."You too, my children." The master replied with a gentle smile. 'My children?' What's with that? "I've called you all here to get a report on your missions this week. Who would like to go first?" The master asked in a gentle tone. If I'm being completely honest, his voice is pretty...soothing. 


Once everyone had finished giving their reports, the master told them they were free to go. Everyone started making plans, with Yuu being left out, sitting awkwardly in the corner. "Tomioka-san, would you like to accompany us?" The pink and green haired girl asked eagerly. "What's the point in asking Kanroji, of course he won't come. He thinks he's too good for us." The snake guy said. How do you even expect someone to say yes after making a comment like that? "Ara ara, no need to be rude Iguro-san~" The butterfly girl defended. "HE'S RIGHT, KOCHO. IF THIS BASTARD WASN'T SO ARROGANT, IGURO WOULDN'T HAVE TO BE RUDE TO HIM." The angry chihuahua said. Oh, I hated this guy so much. Why can't he just shut up? Just let Yuu speak for himself. "Guys please don't fight..." The pink girl said while waving her hands around franticly. "You know Tomioka-san, if you socialise more, people won't hate you as much.~" The butterfly girl said in a teasing tone. I get that she was probably trying to get Yuu to socialise more but it was a weird approach. If you wanted Yuu to socialise, you have to encourage him and be there for him. At least she doesn't seem to hate him..."I can't come." Yuu said eventually. Poor baby...Does this happen every time? "I fucking told you, Kocho" The angry chihuahua said, while glaring at Yuu. "Maybe if you didn't shout at him so much he would come." The young kid said, catching me off guard. From what I've noticed, he was pretty much silent, so I didn't think he'd stand up for Yuu. Judging by the Hashira's facial expression, this had caught them off guard too. "What do you mean Tokito?" Asked a huge guy, who looked blind. "The way those two talk about him, I doubt he'd come even if he wanted too." The kid said. Finally someone understood. "Tch, what's the point, it's not like he has emotions anyway. He's always sitting there with his emotionless expression. It pisses me off." The angry chihuahua said. He thinks Giyuu is emotionless? How can anyone be emotionless? Everyone has emotions, whether they choose to show it or not. Giyuu is probably not comfortable showing you his emotions. It doesn't mean he doesn't HAVE emotions. Can this guy really not understand something as simple as that? Is this guy slow? Also why isn't Giyuu defending himself? He hasn't said anything at all. I turned around to look at him, to see him leaving. I quickly followed after him, wishing to comfort him. 

The whole way to his estate he didn't say anything. He just looked down and kept walking. That was until he arrived at his estate. He instantly took off my haori, clutching it close to his chest instead while letting his tears flow. My heart ached to see him like this. I wish I could hug him, tell him it's alright. I want to kill the Hashira for hurting him. "I-I'm sorry...I-If..." He stuttered through his sobs. Why is he apologising? "If S-Sabito w-were a-alive...t-the H-H-Hashira wouldn't...hate him...He'd g-get a-along b-better w-with them...H-He'd be s-stronger, h-he wouldn't be a b-burden u-unlike me....It's my fault Sabito died. It's my fault Tanjiro's family died. It's my fault Nezuko is a d-demon. If i-it w-were S-Sabito, h-he could've s-saved T-Tanjiro..." What? He blamed himself for my death? But it isn't his fault! It was my choice to fight the hand demon! He couldn't have done anything! "I-If I had been s-stronger...Sabito w-wouldn't h-have to s-save me...WHY? WHY? WHY?" He said while clutching my haori tighter. "WHY AM I SO USELESS? WHY DO I NEED TO BE CONSTANTLY S-SAVED BY PEOPLE? WHY? WHY CAN'T I DO ANYTHING RIGHT?" Yuu screamed, while grabbing his knife. No...I can't let him. That's why he cuts? Because he blames himself for my death? Before I could stop myself, I turned visible again and slapped the knife out of his hand. "S...Sabito...?" Yuu said while staring at me in shock. Shit...What now?

A/N: I left y'all at a cliffhanger! Sorry not sorry. But you won't have to wait too long so don't worry! 😊 Also,

Kiss, marry, kill: Muichiro, Giyuu, Mitsuri

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