The Hellfire Club - [PT1]

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Hawkins, Indiana - Harrington Household
Third Person Pov

Y/n was sitting at her desk in her new room at Steve's house, reading the letter she had recently received from Will. It was nothing new, school updates, family updates and whatnot.

Steve went to her room and knocked on the doorframe, "Hey, ready to go?"

Y/n snapped out of her daze and turned to look at the boy she now called her older brother, "Yeah, give me a second." She grabbed her backpack, her cheer bag and her walkman, clipping it onto her belt. The girl put her backpack over her shoulders and slung her cheer bag over one shoulder.

Her and Steve walked out of the house, the older boy locked the door, and the two got in the car. Steve was already done with high school, while Robin was a senior and Y/n a freshman.

This was their normal routine. Get ready in the morning, pick up Robin, Steve drops off the two girls at school, and he picks up any extra shifts he can.

They pulled into Robin's driveway. The short haired girl got in the front seat and buckled up, "Hey, dingus." She ruffled Steve's hair.

"Watch the hair!" Steve warned and swatted her hand away.

Robin turned to look at the younger teen in the back, "Hey, kid. Whatcha listening to?"

"Just a mix of everything. Mainly Michael Jackson, Madonna, and Kate Bush."

"Nice. Good to know someone has good taste in pop culture." Robin elbowed Steve, who was mainly focused on the road ahead.

"I have good taste!" Steve defended himself.

"Whatever you say." Robin sighed and fixed up her hat for band.

The two older teens had their own conversations, Y/n every now and then popping in to say something.

"And then there's Heidi tomorrow night, but the problem with Heidi is that she's going out of state for college." Steve ranted to Robin as she put mascara on her eyelashes, not really listening to what Steve was saying.

"So it's like do i wanna start another relationship that has no point other than sex?"

Y/n's face scrunched up at Steve's words.

"I mean, I don't know. Does that make sense to you?" The boy turned to look at the girl next to him, who definitely was not paying attention to a word he was saying. "Robin, are you listening?"

"Uh, yes. I'm listening, i'm listening."

"What did i just say?"

"Something about sex with-with Linda."

"No, i'm talking about Heidi!" Steve frustratedly yelled out.

"Cut me some slack, please. Your love life is one labyrinthine complexity. And it is 7 in the morning. We have this stupid pep rally, and i woke up looking like a corpse."

"Robin you look good. And, Steve, hate to break it to you, but we do not want to hear about your sex life." Y/n spoke up from the backseat, her music volume turned down a bit so she could hear the older teenagers in the front.

"You're worried about a basketball pep rally? Expect me to believe that. And, you," Steve pointed to Y/n in the backseat. "Quit listening to my conversations."

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