The Hellfire Club - [PT2]

91 2 6

Hawkins, Indiana - Hawkins High School
Third Person Pov

During lunch, Y/n went to Ms. Kelley's office. She was listening to Mother by Pink Floyd. Everything around her was muffled. All she heard was music.

"Can you take the headphones off?" Ms. Kelley kindly asked.

Y/n paused the music and took off her headphones. Ms Kelley smiled and took out some of Y/n's files. "So, excited for break? Do you have anything special planned?"

"Well, I was supposed to go visit my boyfriend. You know, the one i told you about?"

"Will Byers?"

"Yeah, him. But the flight ticket was too expensive and my brother wasn't too sure if he wanted me to go anyway." Y/n trailed off sadly.

"Alright, let's see what we got here. Ms. Kelley opened the file folder and read through. "A C in Math and an F in Science. I thought you said you loved science?"

Y/n shrugged and looked around the room, avoiding eye contact. "That was a long time ago."

"Y/n, you're gonna have to pick up these grades if you wanna stay on the cheer team, you know that?"

"Yeah, i've been trying to work on it."

Ms. Kelley sighed and put the file folder down onto her desk. "Moving on, how's your life at home?"

"It's good. My brother's protective."

"I've heard that before." Ms. Kelley dryly chuckled. "Still having trouble sleeping?"

Y/n thought for a moment. "Yeah." She lied.

"So no more nightmares? No more headaches?"

Y/n got flashbacks from that night. July 4th, 1985. The scar on her waist was still visible, but faded. For some reason she felt it stinging when she thought about it. "Nope."

"Are you ready to talk about that night?"

Y/n quickly shook her head as her leg bounced up and down. Ms. Kelley sighed, "Y/n, you've been through a lot. More than anyone could ever handle. And it's okay if you're not okay, but I can't help you if you're not opening up."

"I know. I am opening up." Y/n shifted in her seat as she fiddled with her fingers.


Y/n walked out of Ms. Kelley's office and noticed Chrissy going that way. She looked anxious.

"Hey, Chrissy." Y/n spoke up.

"Oh, hey, Y/n." Chrissy fake smiled and rushed down the hallway to the counselor's office.

Y/n made her way to the cafeteria and sat down with her cheer friends. On the other side of the lunch room, she saw Mike and Dustin who nervously sat down at their table with the Hellfire Club.

Eddie stood up and jumped onto the table. "As long as you're into band or science.. or parties or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets." He shouted across the cafeteria.

Jason stood up from his seat, "You want something, freak?"

Eddie put his fingers on top of his head and made a devilish noise, sticking his tongue out. He walked back across the table and jumped off, yelling and scaring a few people.

Y/n just looked back down at her food. She felt a headache growing and it felt painful. The girl rubbed her head and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Victoria, one of the cheerleaders asked her.

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