Chapter One

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"They're coming for  you." The voice spoke. It was deep and soft all at once. It was like god was talking to me. I was special.

No one else heard him talk. Only me. The voice told me I was an angel. I was only here as an experiment. I wasn't like everyone else.

People at school would tell me I was crazy or that I was lying about it. The religious kids turned around the second they saw me.

They were all just jealous of my gift.

"Harry. Please calm down!" My mother begged. I grabbed a chair from the dinning room and threw it at the rats crawling up the wall. They were everywhere.

"The rats are coming for you Harry. Get out."  The voice said this time. I knew he was right. I could see them everywhere. I backed away in fear, falling down as I tripped. Tears were running down my face.

"They're coming for me mom!" I screamed. She shook her head. She seemed to not mind the rats at all. They were taking over our house but she just ignored them.

"No one is coming for you Harry. Calm down." She put a hand on my shoulder but I pushed it away.

"Get out." I listened. The voice was always right after all. The voice was always with me and just wanted to help me. It was god.

I pushed myself off the wall and to my feet. I ran to the front door, my mom screaming for me to come back. I grabbed the door knob and pulled away immediately. It was boiling.

I looked back to see millions of rats inching closer. I needed to get out.

I started kicking the door as hard as I could. It finally opened, letting me out.

I ran down the streets, not knowing where I was going. I could hear sirens coming my way. They thought I was crazy. They were coming to get me.

"The bridge." The voice told me. And so I ran to the bridge. I stopped in the middle of it. Ambulances and police cars blocked both ends. I was trapped. It was the end.

"Jump off." It said. I frowned and looked at the water beneath. It was a certain death if I jumped.

"Prove to them that you are an angel. This is your destiny." I took a deep breath and stepped on the edge. I heard my mother scream. I turned to see her running towards me, officers trying to stop her. 

They stopped her just a few feet away from me.

"Harry. Don't do this." She cried out. I looked back down at the water.

"Don't listen to her. Jump." But I couldn't help but look back at her.

I had to jump. I knew I did. But what would my poor mother do without me? I was all she had.

She had her arms open, welcoming me. She was ready to wrap her arms around me and never let go.

I looked down again. This was the exact same place Gemma had killed herself. But she didn't have god speaking to her. She didn't believe in all that.

She was normal.

But she was sad. Extremely sad.

She was loved by everyone and she looked like the happiest girl you could come across. But it was all an act.

She was faking it.

But I wasn't faking the voice.

"Please Harry. Don't do it. I love you." My mom sobbed. I kept looking down.

"Jump Harry." The voice said. It was guiding me. If I followed it, everything would be alright.

"I love you too mom. So much." I finally spoke up. It was the truth. I loved the women more then anything in this world.

She just didn't understand. And she didn't know that everything was going to get better after. She had to trust me.

"I know what I'm doing. Don't worry." I told her. I could hear her crying and it broke my heart.

"Just come here Harry. We can talk about it." She tried. At least she tried. But I wasn't having any of it. I needed to jump. Now.

So I shook my head.

"Son. Listen to your mother." One of the officers spoke. I turned to look at them.

"You don't understand. This is my destiny." I told them.

I turned my head back to the water. This was it. No more waiting.

I stepped off the bridge and closed my eyes, waiting for something to happen. Anything.

But I ended up in an officers arms.

He pulled me away from the side of the bridge. I trashed around and screamed, telling him to let me go.

"Calm down kid." He told me. But that didn't stop me.

"I have to jump. You don't understand!" I screamed out. It didn't help in any way.

He pulled me all the way to an ambulance where I was strapped down to one of those rolling bed things.

I kept screaming, begging them to let me go. Everyone was telling me to calm down.

They didn't understand.

My mother stepped in the ambulance just before the doors were closed. The sirens went on and the ambulance sped down the streets.

"I don't need to go to the hospital. I'm not hurt. Just let me go." I told them. My mom cried even harder, grabbing my hand. I turned my head towards her.

"Mom! Tell them to let me go!" I yelled. She turned her head away from me and continued crying.

"You need to get out of here. They want to hurt you." The voice said. I knew it was right. There was no other reason as to why they would strap me down like that.

So I screamed and continued trashing around.

Men started holding me down while another one got a needle ready. My eyes widened as I knew what was to come.

I screamed louder, telling them to stay away. But the needle entered my arm.

My eyelids became heavier as my body seemed to calm down.

I turned my head towards my mom who seemed to cry even harder.

"It's over." The voice said. But I didn't want to believe it. It couldn't be the end.

"Mom." I whispered.

Then came blackness.

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