Chapter Sixteen

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"I hate parties." I groaned. Liam chuckled, pulling on my hand. "This will be fun Harry. David throw's the best parties." I rolled my eyes. It was an adult party. It wouldn't be filled with teenagers getting drunk, dancing and making out. It was one of those parties where people stood around and talked. Liam told me that they would throw one of these at least once a month. It helped them remember that they're adults now.

Every other weekend they would party like teenagers. As much as they wanted to be adults, they wanted to stay kids. It was interesting to see them in action.

Liam knocked on the front door, waiting for someone to answer. David soon answered with a giant smile. "Glad you two came. Please, come in." He stepped aside and we went in. Everyone seemed to be well dressed. People stood around with a glass of champagne in hand while they chatted. I felt out of place.

Liam put a hand on the bottom of my back, directing me through the crowd of adults. Everyone greeted us. I was a little confused as to why none of them questioned him about who I was. He had told me how these are all his friends and Ray would come to these with him often. Someone would have to ask why he was so touchy with me.

"Does everyone know you're cheating on Ray with me?" I asked him. He looked down at me and shrugged. "I don't consider it cheating. But yes, they all know." I frowned. If it wasn't cheating, then what was it?

"Most of these people have been around me since I'm a child. They know me and understand." My frown deepened and I stopped walking. He turned to look at me, raising an eyebrow. "This is a normal thing? You always cheated on her with other guys?" I asked. Liam let out a sigh.

"Don't be mad Harry. It was before you." He tried to grab my hand but I pulled away, shaking my head. "And there will be more after me."

I pushed threw the people standing around and made my way to the living room. I took a seat on the couch, leaning my head back. I wasn't going to leave. I had become friends with some of these people. I had the right to be here. With or without Liam.

"Harry?" I looked up at the familiar female voice. My eyes widened when I saw Fizzy, Louis' sister, standing there with a glass of champagne. I sat up straight, staring at the young girl. I then knew where I had recognized her from. She was with Joe at that bar.

She took a seat next to me, my eyes following her every move. She looked at me with a small smile. "I'll tell you my secret if you tell me yours." She said. I already knew her secret. But I also knew no one could know about what she was doing and no one could know about Liam and I. I also had to tell someone everything. Maybe my boyfriend's sister wasn't the best person to open up to, but it was all I had.

I nodded. She took a deep breath. "I'm dating Joe. Have been for quite some time now." Fizzy was a child and Joe was now an adult. Sure it was wrong but I wasn't well placed to tell them that.

"I'm dating Liam. But we're in a fight since about two minutes ago." I told her. She nodded. "So you aren't really into my brother?"  She asked.

I shrugged. "I like him. I really do." I said.

"But you love Liam. I get it." She handed me her glass of champagne. I looked down at the liquid, unsure. Alcohol didn't go well with my medication. But, one glass never hurt anyone.

I took the glass, gulping the drink down all at once. I then handed her back the glass. She giggled. "Someone really needed a drink." A waiter that David had hired for the party passed by with a tray filled with more champagne. Fizzy and I both took another glass.

"Do these guys always date younger people?" I asked, starting to feel tipsy after a few glasses. Fizzy shrugged. "Joe does. But Liam usually dates older guys." I looked at her with a slight frown. "You've met some of them?" She nodded.

"One or two." I rolled my eyes and lazily looked around the room. I hadn't seen Liam all night. I was still mad at him but I just wanted to cuddle him. And rip his head off.

I put a hand on Fizzy's knee and patted it. "Are you mad at me?" I asked her. She giggled a little. "What for?"

"I'm cheating on Louis." She let out a sigh and leaned her head on my shoulder. "Aren't you mad Liam's cheating on you?"

I frowned. I had never thought about it. He wasn't really cheating since I knew about it. But it still hurt to know that he slept next to someone else at night.

"Let's be friends." Fizzy exclaimed, sitting up straight and smiling at me. I giggled at her excited self and nodded. "Best friends!" I agreed. We laughed loudly, catching people's attention. Liam walked in the room shortly after.

He frowned at us while we continued laughing. I threw my hands up in the air when I saw him. "Liam! I made a friend all on my own." He shook his head while he walked towards me. "Did you drink?"

I nodded and giggled. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck when he was close enough. "I want to cuddle with Liam." I heard Fizzy laugh at us, making me giggle. Joe then walked in, rolling his eyes at Fizzy.

"We're going home." Liam declared, picking me up. My smile widened as we walked out of the house. "Oh so strong! Are you my knight in shinning armor? I can be the pretty princess." He rolled his eyes and continued walking. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"You know that drinking is bad for you Harry. You might get really sick." I giggled and started making fart noises with my mouth. "Liam stop that! You smell bad!" He chuckled this time. He was so cute. I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"I love you Liam." I whispered. "I love you too Harry." We reached my house and Liam walked to the front door. He pulled out his key that I had given him after the last accident. He unlocked the door and walked in. I hummed along to the music playing on the radio. He walked me to my room and laid me on my bed.

He took off my shirt and started unbuttoning my pants. "Naughty Liam!" I giggled and he pulled down my pants. He then threw a blanket over me and kissed my cheek. He went to pull away but I grabbed his arm and pulled him in bed with me. I wrapped my arms around his chest and put my head on his shoulder.

"Stay with me." He let out a sigh and wrapped an arm around me. I smiled, feeling at peace. It only took a few seconds before I fell asleep.

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