Chapter eighteen

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"Is the medication still working for you?" Ray asked. No, it wasn't. Things just kept getting worse. I needed something stronger. Something so strong that it would numb me.

I nodded. "Everything is great. I finally feel like a normal boy." I smiled brightly at her. She frowned a little. "Is your mother here with you?" I shook my head this time. "I came here alone."

"Maybe I should call her to come get you."

"She's at work." Ray let out a sigh and rubbed her forehead. "I can't let you walk alone."

I frowned at her. "Why not? I'm doing great."

"Too great Harry. You could change emotions quickly. You could suddenly decide that you feel like hell and just want to end it. You know that." I rolled my eyes even though she was very well right.

She took her phone out, dialling a number before putting it to her ear. I looked around the room as I waited.

She wasn't being professional in my opinion. Calling someone while you're with a patient? I'm pretty sure she wasn't aloud to do that.

She hung up and smiled at me. "Liam will bring you home." I raised an eyebrow. She used to tell me to stay away from him and now here she is, making him bring me home. If anyone in this room was acting weird, it was her. I was the only normal one here.

"An angel." That's right. I was an angel. I was better then all of them.

I shook my head. I wasn't an angel. The voice isn't real.

It was just anoher frigment of my imagination that I needed to ignore.

Ray told me to wait in the waiting room since another patient was coming in. I had forgotten that I wasn't alone like this. Other people were just as crazy as me.

I sat down on one of the many uncomfy seats and waited for Liam. I was glad that he was coming to get me. I missed him.

"How disgusting." I groaned at the voice, making Marry look up at me. I sent her a small smile to let her know that everything was okay. But it really wasn't.

The sound of small paws running across the marble floor made me jup and turn my head to see what was happening. It was those rats again. About 4 of them were running across the floor.

"Harry? Is everything alright dear?" I looked at Marry and nodded. "Just a little jumpy is all." She seemed unsure but went back to her work anyways. I let out a breath and leaned back in my seat.

I shouldn't worry about the voice or those rats. Liam was going to be here soon and thats all that mattered. Nothing else.

"You two will go to hell for this." I groaned once again. "Shut up." I whispered so Marry couldn't hear. But the voice wasn't done talking.

"He's a men and you're a kid. It's disgusting. You will go to hell." This time I had enough.

"Shut the hell up! You don't know anything!" I yelled, slapping my cheek a few times to scare him off.

Marry jumped out of her seat and stared at me with wide eyes. She then looked over to the entrance, almost as if she was planning an escape plan. But she wasn't.

I looked over to see Liam standing there. He was looking down at me with a loving face that just seemed to make everything better. A tear rolled down my cheek while I looked up at him. "I'm sorry." I quietly said.

He smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder. "It's not your fault. Now come on, I need to take you home." I got up and followed him out to his car.

The ride home was silent but peaceful. Liam held my hand while he drove, telling me from time to time that he loved me and everything was okay.

I frowned when we stopped in front of my house. I looked back at Liam who simply smiled at me. "Aren't we going to your place? Ray is at work after all." I pointed out. He shook his head. "Not tonight. I have a few things to do."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" I asked. Liam only then frowned at me. He turned in his seat so he was almost facing me. "It's not like money falls from the sky Harry. I have to work for it like anyone else."

I rolled my eyes. "Aren't you rich? People who are rich don't need to work."

"We need to work to make money and be rich. Gosh Harry! Can you be any more stupid." He yelled, making me flinch back. Liam's eyes slightly widened and he brought a hand up to my cheek but I backed away from it. "I'm so sorry Harry. I didn't mean it."

Tears started running down my cheeks. I had went from wanting to be with Liam to wanting to be as far from him as possible.

A tear fell down Liam's cheek, something I had never seen before. Seeing him vulnerable didn't take away my fear. My fear of him.

"Harry, please." He tried to grab my hand but I pulled away and shook my head. I sobbed as I continue to shake my head. "No." I then opened the door and stepped out. Liam did the same and followed me to my door.

"Just go away Liam! You have work to do anyways." I yelled without looking back at him. My hands were shaking as I took my keys out of my pocket.

"You always come first Harry. You should know that." I sobbed harder and tried unlocking the door but it just wasn't working.

"That's a lie. If I come first, why am I stuck in the shadows?" I asked, trying to focus on putting the key in the key hole.

"It's not all that easy. How will Ray feel? And my parents?" I groaned, giving up on unlocking the door. I leaned my head against the door and let the tears fall.

"What about what I fell? What abou you?" I felt him place his hand gently on my shoulder. I didn't move away or anything this time. I just stayed in place.

I heard Liam sigh. "I'm not ready." He said. He brought a hand to mine, grabbed my key and unlocked the door. He gave me back the keys and I walked in the house. I closed the door behind me and that was it.

I was tired of hiding all these things. I wanted people to know how in love I was.

It would only happen if the truth came out.

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