Chapter Twenty One

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My eyes scanned the giant airport for my sister. There was too many people in here. I felt like I couldn't breath. I needed to find Gemma and get out of there.

"Harry!" I smiled when I saw her waving at me from a few feet away. I quickly walked towards her, dropping my bags and pulling her in my arms. The embrace just made it even more real. She was alive.

She smiled when we pulled away. "It's been way too long." I nodded in agreement. She then grabbed one of my bags and told me to follow her. We walked out to her car, got in and drove off.

"You're going to love it here. The weather is almost always perfect and there's so many things to do." I won't lie, I was excited to visit L.A. I wanted to see the beach and everything. I couldn't wait.

We stopped at a small house hiding behind many trees. There was even some cactus growing out front. It looked beautiful.

"Welcome to my casa." Gemma smiled, getting out the car. I followed her in the house, smiling when I saw the cozy insides. It was all very clean and organized. I already loved it here. Gemma showed me to my room which was small but I didn't mind. I set down my bags and laid down on the white bed. Mostly everything was white in this house.

"You should have a nap. You had a long flight. We can go out for food after." I nodded and closed my eyes. A nap seemed perfect.


"Got a girlfriend back home?" Gemma wiggled her eyebrows at me. I chuckled and shook my head. "No Gemma. Actually, I'm Gay." I admitted. She raised an eyebrow and I went back to my food. It took a while before I admitted to myself that I liked boys. It still felt weird telling people about my sexuality.

"A boyfriend then?" She asked. My eyes fell to my plate. "Not exactly. I think we ended it."

When I woke up the morning after falling asleep at Liam's, I was back home in my bed. He didn't even want to face the next morning with me. It hurt like hell.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head. I just wanted to get over him and forget everything that happened.

"Something good must be happening back home? Not everything can be bad." I rolled my eyes. Everything was bad. My heart was broken, I only had one friend and everyone thought I was crazy. It was horrible.

Gemma sighed at my silence. "We could talk to mom about you moving in with me maybe?" She suggested. I looked up at her with wide eyes. "Really?" She nodded. "Just tell me what you think by the end of the week."

Moving here seemed like a great idea. A new start. But I was also scared of completely leaving Liam behind. Was I ready to let go of him yet?

We continued eating and I mostly talked to her about Niall. He was the only good thing in my life at the moment. Everything else was going downwards. I was just so thankful to have him around.

When we finished, we decided to go walk around for a while. We were walking by the beach when my eyes caught something or rather someone. I blinked a few times encase this was part of my hallucinations but he was still there. I nudged Gemma and pointed towards the figure. "Do you see that guy with the blue bathing suit? I'm not going crazy right? He's there?" I asked.

Gemma looked and nodded. "Yeah. You know him?" Of course I knew him. It was Liam. He was walking on the beach with only a bathing suit on. His hair dripped from the water, running down his chest.

I turned my head away, hoping he wouldn't see me. Gemma frowned. "Who is this guy?" She asked. I bit my lip. walking a little faster. "It's him. It's the guy." I whispered, making her frown. "From back home?" I nodded. "That's crazy! What would he be doing all the way here?"

"Harry." My head snapped back at the familiar voice. Liam stood there with a smile. "I thought you only got here tomorrow." I frowned. How would he know all of this? It was creepy.

"What? How did you know I was here? Why are you here?" Liam rolled his eyes. "Ray told me. I wanted to see you so I booked a business meeting here for later this week."

He was going crazy. He booked a flight just in hopes that he would see me. L.A was huge and it wasn't even sure he would see me. Yet, he came.

I scoffed. "You should have stayed with your girlfriend. She's obviously more important." I grabbed Gemma's arm and started walking away from Liam. But he wasn't going to give up that easy.

"That's a lie and you know it. No one is as important to me as you are." I really just wanted to tell him to leave me alone but I loved him. I wanted him to stay with me.

"Meet me here tomorrow at noon." I told him without looking back. Gemma and I continued walking in silence back to her place.

If I really was important to Liam, he would have to prove it.

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