Chapter Ten

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My eyes fluttered open. I brought my hands up to rub the sleep out of them. I then looked around the unfamiliar room. I knew I had never seen this room before.

My eyes darted to the bedroom door when it opened. Liam walked in with a smile, no shirt on. My eyes couldn't help but stare at his exposed skin. It was flawless.

Liam sat down next to me and ran a hand through my hair. "How are you feeling?" He asked. I slowly sat up.

"I'm fine actually." I looked around the room. It was small but nice. "Where are we?" I asked.

"My place. This is the guest room." He leaned a little closer to me. "And I was thinking that it could become your room."

I frowned. My room? I already had a room at home. I didn't need one here. And Ray wouldn't like it either.

"My room?" I asked. He moved closer to me on the bed and nodded. "Look, it's obvious that we both like each other but you have Louis and I have Ray. Ray often leaves for a night or two. Either for work or we had a fight again. But while she's gone, I want us to have a normal relationship.

"We could sleep in this room. Our room. Doesn't that sound nice?" I looked down in thought. It did sound nice. I would be with Liam, no one knowing about it. Just us two.

I shrugged. "I don't know." As nice as it sounded, I wasn't into cheating. And I wasn't gay. I was only with Louis to keep my feelings for Liam hidden. Which failed horribly.

Liam put a hand on my thigh. He bent over and kissed my lips slowly. "Please?" He whispered.

There was nothing I could do. He had me completely wrapped around his finger. So I nodded, to which he smiled brightly.

"Great. We can go buy you some cloths and maybe decorate a little. It's a pretty boring room." He looked around, thinking of stuff to do. Then realization hit me.

"Liam? I have a problem." I moved around uncomfortably.  He looked back at me with a small frown. "What is it Love?" He asked.

I bit my lip. It was embarrassing really. Something I wish I didn't need. "I need to take my medication." I said. His eyes widened in realisation. He quickly got up from his spot. "Ray keeps some in our room. What do you take exactly?"

"Seroquel." I told him. He nodded and left the room only to come back a few moments later with some pills and water in hand. I thanked him and swallowed them down. I should be good for the day.

"I made breakfast." Liam stated with a proud smile. "It's a first so you should be proud of me." I smiled and stood up, following him to the kitchen. I frowned as I walked through the house. Everything looked expensive. More expensive then Niall's house.

We walked in the kitchen, two plates full of pancakes sat on the glass table. Liam pulled out my chair for me and I sat down. He then went and sat across from me. We started eating in silence and I won't lie, the food was great. First time my ass.

"So would you like to go shopping for your room today?" Liam asked. I shrugged. "Won't Ray notice that the room looks like it belongs to a teenage boy?"

Liam shook his head. "There's so many rooms in this house that I'm sure she forgot half of them exist." I frowned a little. Was the house really that big?

"We don't need to go shopping. I'll bring some cloths from home and I'll be fine." I said. He raised an eyebrow. "You sure? Not even a stereo or something?"

I shook my head. "I'll be here to be with you. Not listen to music."

"How about a little radio? We need to keep the radio on for Gemma, right?" I stopped eating and looked up at him, surprised. He had listened and understood. I smiled widely and nodded. It would make me feel a little more at home.

He smile back at me and went back to eating. We talked a little while we ate, with music playing in the back. It had been on since I woke up.

The door bell rang, catching our attention. Liam stood up and  walked over to an intercom near the kitchen's exit. He pressed on a button before speaking. "Yeah?" He asked.

"Liam mate. Open the gates."  I recognized Wesley talk through the intercom.

"And why would I do that?"

"Emily and Ellie want to meet Harry. I know he's there. I can feel it." Liam rolled his eyes and pressed another button that probably opened the gates. He then came and sat back down at the table.

Liam groaned and rubbed his face with his hands. "I can't fucking believe them." He muttered. Just moments later, a door opening was heard, followed by loud voices. They called out for Liam, making him groan again.

"Kitchen."  He called back. Wesley soon stepped in with a smirk. "I just knew you would be here." He patted my shoulder and sat next to me. His eyes widened when he saw my plate, pulling it closer and taking a bite.

"Wesley, manners!" I turned my head to see the small brunette from last night. Wesley rolled his eyes at her and continued eating.

The girl smiled down at me. "Hi, I'm Emily. I'm Wesley's girlfriend. And this is Ellie. Marks girl." She pointed to red head behind her. I smiled at her. "I'm Harry. Liam's... uhm.." I trailed off, unsure. What was Liam? A friend?

"Secret boyfriend?" She asked. I frowned a little and looked back at Liam who shrugged. "Only if you want Harry." He said. So I turned back to Emily with a smile. "I'm Harry. Liam's secret boyfriend."

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