Chapter Nine

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"Is your medication still working?" Ray asked. She looked way less interested then usual. Probably because she found out I was hanging around her boyfriend.

I nodded. "Perfectly fine." I lied. Things kept getting worse. Those rats seemed to be after me again.

"I heard you have these panic attacks. I'll give you something to help with that." She wrote some things on a paper.

I let out a sigh. I had to meet up with Louis but I was stuck here. Ray glanced up to see what was wrong. I sent her a smile.

She sat up straighter and put her things down. "I shouldn't need to have this conversation with anyone, but I have to. You can't hang around Liam. It's inappropriate."

I nodded. I had nothing to say about it. But I knew I would see Liam again. He wasn't going to let me go.

She smiled. "I'm glad you understand." I nodded once again. I understood how she felt about everything. But that wouldn't stop  anyone.

She handed me a few bottles of medication and I headed out. I walked  down the hall, trying to juggle with the bottles. Mary giggled when I reached her.

"I could join a circus." I told her with a slight smile. She agreed while laughing.

"I'm pretty sure that's not what they are usually used for." I caught all the bottles and turned my head to see Liam. I smiled at first but it soon disappeared. Interacting with him in here would just be wrong. Ray could come out of her office any time.

Lucky me, Louis arrived just then. He smiled when he saw me. "Are you already done?" He asked.  I nodded. "Let's get going then." He opened the door for me. I glanced one last time at Liam who winked at me. I then walked out, followed by Louis.

Louis grabbed my hand and placed a small kiss on it. "Should we go at mine or yours?" He asked. There was no way we would go to my place. Liam could show up any time and it would be hard to explain things to Louis.

"Yours." I told him. We walked hand in hand, talking about school drama which I didn't care about. But with Louis being popular, it always seemed to be his business. I hated that.

We were stopped by a familiar voice. Familiar for me.

"Harry, mate!" I looked across the street to see Wesley waving at me. He looked both ends of the road before walking over to our side. He wrapped his arms around me right away. He then pulled away with a huge smile.

"You have no idea how much I have been wanting to see you!" He exclaimed. "You were so cool mate I just needed to befriend you."

I laughed a little. "Really? I thought I was pretty boring." He waved me off. "Are you kidding? You're one crazy kid!" We laughed a little together.

Louis coughed, asking for our attention. We both turned to look at him in surprise. Me having forgotten about him and Wesley not noticing.

"Hey there. I'm Wesley, a friend of Harry." He stuck his hand out for Louis to shake. Louis ignored it. "I'm Louis, Harry's boyfriend."

Wesley dropped his hand with a look of confusion. He stared at Louis a little. Then he decided to ignore him and turned back to me with a smile. "I wanted to see you today actually. The guys and I are going out and would love for you to come. We all miss you."

I shrugged. "I'm still underage." I informed him. He waved me off again. "Joe owns the place so no worries."

I smiled. It sounded nice. I needed some friends and I had fun with these guys.

Louis pulled me closer. "I don't think we can make it." He said. Wesley raised an eyebrow and looked at me. "Who's this kid again?" He asked.

I tried to hold in my laughter but it had to come out. Louis glared at me, which calmed me down. "I can make it." I smiled.

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