Chapter Twenty Four

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I walked down the hall towards my new doctors office. It was past Ray's office and I was hoping her door would be closed and I wouldn't see her. I would feel bad if we came face to face. Luckily, it was closed and I continued walking in peace. I knocked on the door once I reached the office and waited for the doctor to answer.

I smiled when an old looking men opened the door, gesturing for me to come in. He was nice the whole time, telling jokes from time to time to make me comfortable. I was glad I had changed doctor. This one was so much better.

It soon ended and I was on my way out when I passed by Ray's office. Her door was wide open and I could hear someone crying inside. I glanced inside when I passed by and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Ray crying while Liam looked extremely uncomfortable.

Liam looked towards the door, seeing me staring. He sent me a small smile, walking towards me. "Wait for me in my car." He then handed me his keys and closed the door.

I hadn't seen or talked to him in almost a week. I was waiting for him to talk with Ray to fix everything. I guess he just did.

I walked outside and to the car. I unlocked the doors, taking a seat in the passenger seat. A few minutes later, Liam came out and took a seat in the car. He leaned his head on the wheel, letting out a sigh.

"Did you break up with her?" I asked in a whisper. I wasn't sure if the moment was appropriate but I needed to know. I needed to know if we could finally be together.

"Yeah." He mumbled, not looking up. I felt bad then. Maybe he really didn't want to end it with Ray and I had forced him to. Now he was sad and it was my fault. "Sorry." I leaned back in my seat, unsure about what to do.

"I told her I was gay. She couldn't believe it. She said there was no way it was true." He lifted his head to look at me. His eyes were red and puffy. He leaned forward, connecting his lips with mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me onto his lap. His hands then made their way under my shirt, connecting with my warm skin.

I had never thought about anything sexual happening wit Liam before. I was so in love and just wanted to be with him. But in this moment, all the dirtiest thoughts were going through my mind. Right now, I wanted him in the most intimate way possible.

I started grinding my hips down against his, making him moan in my mouth. I licked his bottom lip, asking for access but he lightly pushed my away instead. His brown eyes looked darker then ever before and he was panting, out of breath.

"How old are you Harry?" He asked me. I frowned. "17, why?" He closed his eyes, leaning his head back. "We can't have sex. You aren't legal yet."

"My birthday is next week." He opened his eyes at this. He smiled. "Really? Then we only have one more week to wait."

My smile at that moment was bigger then it ever had been before. I wanted my birthday to come a quick as possible. I wanted to be Liam's completely. My heart and body would be his. It's what I wanted.

"I should bring you home." He said, pushing me back in my seat. I pouted. "Already? But why?" I asked, putting my seat belt on while he started the car.

"If I don't, I might fuck you right away." My eyes slightly widened at the word used. I smiled, looking out the window while he drove back to my house.

We soon stopped in front of my place. Liam leaned over, kissing me. "I'll call you later. I love you." I smiled, opening the door. "Love you too." I got out, going inside the house.

Niall raised an eyebrow from his place on the couch. He was once again half naked eating more cookies. "Why are you so happy?" He asked.

"Liam just broke up with Ray, told her that he was gay and we're going to have sex at my birthday!" I exclaimed. Niall coughed loudly, choking on his food.

"Even he knows how disgusting that is." I ignored the voice that suddenly appeared again. Niall was just surprised. I know so.

"All this happened on your trip to the doctors? I should really start going with you." He said, eating another cookie. I smiled and nodded. I skipped happily to my room like I was in a Disney movie.

"You can't sleep with him. You're going to get STD's." I frowned, shaking my head. "It's all Niall's fault."

I groaned. "No it isn't. Don't blame this on him." I said, walking in my room. I fell on my bed, feeling tired from my long day.

"It's Niall's fault. He made you go towards Louis. He kept telling you that you liked boys. You don't like boys Harry. That's wrong." I buried my head under my pillow, trying to block out the voice but it was no use. "Everything is his fault. You need to make him disappear." I shook my head. Niall was my friend. He only wanted what was best for me.

"You're an angel Harry. It's okay if you get rid of someone."

"Shut up!" I yelled. My door then opened. "Harry? Is everything okay?" Niall asked. All the anger from the voice had boiled up by then. I quickly got up, jumping onto Niall. We fell to the ground, me on top of him with my hand around his neck.

"Kill him." I couldn't help but listen. It was like the voice had taken over my body. I watched as Niall tried to fight me off but I was stronger then him.

Then, a noise caught me off guard. I looked around, feeling my body sweating in fear and anger. Rats. They were all around us, slowly making their way towards us. They looked hungry and ready to eat us both.

My eyes widened and I let go of Niall. I pushed myself off, running out of my room and the house. "Run. The rats will do your job and kill Niall. You need to run before they get to you."

I ran faster, feeling the tears roll down my cheeks. The situation felt familiar, like the first time when I was about to jump off the bridge. I was back to square one.

I could hear sirens, making my feet go faster. I didn't want to end up in a mental institute. I needed to stay free. If they took me in, I would have to spend my birthday there. I couldn't.

A few police cars pulled in front of me, making me turn around to run the other way. More cars came, surrounding me. I started crying loudly while my body shook.

"Harry, please calm down." One of the police officers said, stepping out of his car.

"They're surrounding you like you're an animal. You aren't an animal. You're an angel." I nodded, agreeing with the voice.

"I'm not an animal!" I yelled, glaring at everyone. "Yes we know Harry. Just please calm down." The officer said, taking slow steps towards me. "We're only trying to help you."

"No you aren't. You just want to ruin everything." I fell to my knees, putting my head in my hands. "Liam wont love me anymore. He's going to be so scared of me."

I heard a few people getting closer, making me look up. "I can't let that happen. I can't loose him."

"If you don't get out of here, Liam will think you're just a kid again." My eyes widened. I couldn't loose him. There was no way.

An officer grabbed my arms, pulling them behind me. I screamed, trying to push him away. It was no use. He was way stronger. It was over.

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