Chapter Eight

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My lips moved in sync with Louis'. My arm held his face while his held onto my hips. We were in school but I didn't care then. I needed to get my mind off stuff.

Louis moan, grabbing my bum. I let him. It wasn't so bad.

"Oh god, please don't. There's kids here!" Niall exclaimed. We pulled away from each other to look at him. Louis raised an eyebrow. "Who? You?" He smirked at him.

Niall rolled his eyes and pointed towards a group of freshmen looking at us. I blushed slightly in embarrassment. Louis smiled and waved at them. The girls giggled while the boys just ignored him.

I grabbed his hand to stop him. I didn't want to attract more attention. But Louis was all about attention.

Louis smiled and kissed my cheek. "Chill out Harry. We aren't the only gay students here."

"I'm not gay." I reminded him. I was sticking to that fact no matter what. Gay was just wrong.

Niall let out a sigh. "Oh come on Harry. Stop denying it. You're dating another guy for god's sake." I still shook my head. No, I wasn't gay.

"Niall's right love." Louis supported him. He wasn't supposed to support Niall. He should be supporting me. His boyfriend.

I shook my head and pushed him off slightly. Louis' face softened. "Don't be mad." He told me.

I turned my head to look away. And there it was. A rat. They just kept coming back. I didn't know how much time it would take for the voice to come back too. But I needed it to come and help me out. I couldn't do this alone.

Louis grabbed my hand but I pulled away, staring at the rat. "I should head to class." I mumbled. But of course I wasn't going there. Not now.

Instead I followed the brown rat. It walked quickly so I had to speed walk. I wasn't going to let it run away like that. It had something to show me and I knew it.

I almost ran down the halls behind the rat. People seemed confused but I ignored them.

The rat stopped in the middle of the hall. I was confused as to why it would do that. I looked around to see where I was exactly and found out I was standing near the entrance.

Someone was outside walking back and forth. They seemed to be talking to themselves, debating something. The person then turned towards the school and looked up.

Those brown eyes again.

We both froze. No one dared to do the first move. And we never did. Louis did.

He ran up to me. "Harry? You left so suddenly and I couldn't find you anywhere. Is everything alright?" He asked, grabbing my face in his hands and making me look at him.

I stared at his eyes. They were beautiful. Anyone would want to look into them all day and I was the lucky one who could. But I didn't enjoy it. I wanted to stare into brown ones.

My eyes glanced at the entrance. Liam was frowning, watching our every move.

Louis leaned down and pecked my lips. But I kept watching Liam from the corner of my eyes. A wrinkle appeared between his eyebrows. He looked mad. No, he looked pissed.

He then started moving. He took quick steps towards us. He opened the door, catching Louis' attention. He frowned when seeing Liam.

"Would someone care to explain what the hell is going on?" Liam growled, looking between Louis and I. Louis smirked, pulling me closer to him.

"Do you have a problem with me kissing my boyfriend?" Louis asked. Liam's frown seemed to deepen.

He shook his head. "No. He isn't your boyfriend. He doesn't even like you!" Louis laughed. "And he likes you maybe?"

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