Chapter Seventeen

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I had always kept to myself before. It was a normal thing to me. But now with all these new friends, I found myself expressing my feelings and opening up. I was starting to like it. I always had someone around that could listen and understand.

Finding Fizzy was like a miracle. She understood how I was feeling with Liam. She understood the secrets I had to keep. In return, I understood her. In the end, we needed each other.

I always wanted to tell Liam anything. I felt comfortable when I did. And with his weird interested in mental illnesses, he understood what was happening inside my brain. And so, I always spoke to him about those things. Not that there was much to say.

Except this time. It was different. The medication wasn't strong enough anymore. My body was now used to them and their power was slowly fading away. Drinking while being on them also just made things worst.

I woke up that morning with the voice. "Last night was fun." I groaned, ignoring it. I had a headache from all that drinking. I didn't need that voice at the moment. I was already suffering enough.

I groaned in pain at the noise in the house. By noise I meant the radio that was still playing for Gemma. I loved my sister to death but that morning I couldn't take it. I walked out of my room and to the radio that was in the living room. I simply unplugged it and stood there. Silence. It was something I wasn't used to anymore.

"Harry?" My mother called out, walking in the living room. I didn't move though. I stared at the radio, the only part of my sister left. But sometimes, I needed to shut people out. Even the ones I loved the most.

"Is everything alright? Did the radio break?" She asked. I shook my head. "I unplugged it." I told her, walking back to my room so I could get ready for school. When I entered my room, I noticed that my bed was empty. Liam had left before I woke up.

I shrugged it off because I knew I would see him soon enough. "It's wrong." The voice reminded me. I ignored it once again and got dressed. Once I was done, I walked out my room and to the front door. I grabbed my bag and walked out, making my way to school.

I could see rats in the corner of my eye as I walked. I decided that it was best to just ignore them too.

I arrived to school and walked over to my locker, opening it. The first person to walk up to me was Niall. He had a giant smile on, frowning a little when he saw me. "You look like shit." He commented. I rolled my eyes at him. "Thanks. I hadn't noticed yet."

He stared at me for a moment, waiting for an explanation. I let out a sigh in defeat. "I went to a party with Liam last night and I drank." I simply said. He raised an eyebrow at me. "A party on a Sunday? And since when do you drink?" He asked. I simply shrugged, too lazy to explain.

The next person to come up to me was Fizzy. She walked up to us, looking as bad as I felt. "Hey. How did things turn out last night?" She asked. Niall stared at her. Her words never processed to him. He was too busy looking at her. It was a little weird.

I smiled a little. "I guess things worked out." She nodded, looking over at Niall and sending him a small smile. His eyes widened and his cheeks reddened. I frowned at his reaction but decided to ignore it for now.

"I better get going. My brother would freak out if he saw us talking." I smiled at that, knowing tat she was right. We would both get questioned like we committed murder. She walked away and to her friends.

I nudged Niall, making him look at me. "So, Fizzy huh?" His eyes widened and he shook his head. I chuckled, wincing soon after at the pain in my head.

Seeing Niall so quiet was weird to say the least. He would usually talk like crazy.

Fizzy left on time since Louis soon arrived after. He smiled, kissing me. "That was wrong." I knew it was right on that part. Only Liam should be kissing me.

I still smiled at him though, he was my boyfriend after all. He then frowned at me. "You look like shit today." I rolled my eyes and turned back to my locker. "I feel like it too." I mumbled.

"Rough night?" He asked. I nodded. "You could say that."

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