Chapter Twenty

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"You broke up with him?" Niall asked. We walked down my street and to the super market where we were looking for some snacks. I rolled my eyes. "Yes. People need to leave me alone with that." I answered.

I walked around while Niall was following me. "You left him for a married men. And guess what? That men is married to a women. Your doctor to be more precise." I ignored him and looked at all the food offered to us.

"You ended it with that boy? For me?" I turned to see Liam staring at me with sad eyes. I slowly nodded. There was no use to lying. As mad as I was at him, I loved him. It was something that I couldn't control.

He stared at me for a moment, like he wasn't sure how to react. I didn't know what to do either so I stared back at him.

In all honesty, I could stare at him all day. I wish I could. I could be the happiest I had ever been.

But the moment was broken by a Ray walking up to Liam with a smile. She then turned her head, seeing me standing there with Niall. "Harry. How are you?"

I didn't answer. I couldn't answer. My heart was breaking as reality hit me. The love of my life was with someone else. A women. My doctor.

Niall nudge me. Everyone was waiting for my answer. I just stared at Liam.

"Right. I'll see you this week." Ray said, grabbing Liam's arm and pulling him away. My eyes darted to the floor once the disappeared.

"That was awkward." Niall said with a chuckle to lighten the mood. I was thankful that he tried. It simply didn't work. "I should head home." I mumbled, starting to walk away. Niall followed, of course. "I'll come with you. We can watch sad movies and eat ice cream."

I shook my head. "I want to be alone." He nodded and let me go. I walked home quickly. I wanted my mothers arms around me. I needed to feel her love.

I ran in the house, tears rolling down my cheeks. My mom turned her head when she heard me. I ran in her arms, catching her by surprise. "What's wrong?" She asked, wrapping her arms around me. She slowly sat us down on the cold floor. I continued crying for a while until I calmed down a little.

"I'm gay mom." I cried in her shoulder. She rubbed my back. "That's okay. I will love you no matter what." I cried harder.

"I'm in love mom. He's with a girl." She pulled me closer, kissing the top of my head. She didn't say anything. She knew just like me that their was nothing to do. He was taken and that was it.

I was still hoping Liam would change his mind. Maybe he would walk in here and tell me how much he loves me and end it with Ray. But I knew that wouldn't happen.

I then suddenly missed my sister. I missed her wise words. I always went to her when I had a problem and she would help me.  But now she was gone.

My mom and I had never mentioned her death. We never even had a funeral. It was something that we avoided. I wanted to talk about it sometimes but I never wanted to put mom in this situation.

But in this moment, I couldn't help it. "I miss Gemma." I sobbed out. Mom pulled away a little to look at me in the eyes. "You can go visit her if you want. I have enough money for it."

I frowned. "What are you talking about?" I asked. Enough money? It didn't cost anything to go to the cemetery. At least, not that I know of.

My mom smiled down at me. "For the plane ticket to L.A. Where Gemma lives." It was like she didn't want to face the fact that Gemma was gone for real.

I put a hand on hers, scared about snapping her into reality. But I needed to do it. "Gemma is dead." Mom frowned. "Where did you get that from?" She asked.

"She killed herself, remember?" Mom shook her head. "No sweetie. Gemma just moved to L.A. She isn't dead." She then grabbed her phone, dialling a number. She put it to her ear for a second before passing it to me.

I put the object against my ear. "Hello?" A female voice called out. I knew that voice perfectly.

My mouth went dry while tears ran down my face. "Gemma. You're alive." She laughed a little. "Of course I am Harry."

More tears started running down my face in relief. It was all part of my illness. She never killed herself. She just moved.

We talked foe a bit and decided that I would go visit for a week in a few days. I needed my sister and I needed some time away from Liam and everyone. I needed to be somewhere new.

I hung up and gave my mom the phone back. She took it and smiled at me. "I don't want you to feel bad about this. It's not your fault that you thought she was dead." I nodded.

As much as I wanted nothing to do with Liam at that moment, I needed him. I needed to be in his arms while I cried in relief that my sister was alive. I needed him to hold me while I cried from a broken heart. I just needed him.

I slowly got up from the floor, my mom doing the same. "I need to go somewhere." I said, wiping some tears with the back of my hand. She nodded. "Want me to drive you?" I shook my head. I needed some fresh air. I had to walk.

I was then out the door and on my way to Liam's house. I was hoping that Ray was gone. As mad as I was after Liam, I didn't want to destroy him like that.

I was glad when I saw that Ray's car was gone. Liam was alone in the house.

I walked up the front steps, knocking on the door. I waited a few seconds before the door was opened by Liam. He wore nothing but black pyjama pants. He scratched the stubble on his cheek and stared at me, confused.

"Harry? Have you been crying?" He asked, looking down at me. I nodded. He let out a sigh and stepped to the side to let me in. I walked in, Liam closing the door behind me. I suddenly felt the urge to cry again.

I walked in the living room, slumping down on the couch. Liam sat next to me and the tears started pouring out again. Liam grabbed me without hesitation and sat me on his lap. He pulled me close while I sobbed loudly in his chest. "I hate you!" I cried out.

"I don't blame you." Liam whispered, rubbing circles on my back. "You're such an asshole!" I lightly hit his chest. He didn't fight back. "I know." He answered.

I cried some more after that. I was starting to feel better. I always felt better in his arms.

"Gemma isn't dead." I whispered once I calmed down. Liam looked down at me with a frown. "It was all in my head. She simply moved away." Liam smiled. "That's great, no?" I nodded. It was. But I was still heart broken because of him and it hurt.

That night, I fell asleep in Liam's arms as I cried myself to sleep.

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