let's make a break for it.

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"I say we escape so that they don't try to use your body as a vessel," Ecci said. "HOW?! WE ARE BOUND TO THE WALL AND FLOOR AND THESE STUPID CHAINS WON'T COME OFF" Rin shouted as she tries to remove her chains.

"I could try to take control of one of the guards, but I can't my energy is out," Kai said. "Let's try it tomorrow. For now, everyone, let's rest" Alina suggested. Everyone nodded. The metal door of their cell unlocked.

"WHAT THE!!" Kuzma entered the cells with keys. "15 it's your turn now" Kai's eyes were in a fury. "You're NOT TAKING HIM" Roberto shouted but Kuzma kicked him down. "Silent brat" he unlocked Kai's chains and Kai tried fighting him. "Bad 15" Kai uses his Divine Power and touch point to try to knock him out. "You didn't think I learned my lesson last time"

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"15 it's time for your tests," Kuzma said. "NEVER" Kai activated his Divine power. He saw lines like energy and hit them. This knocked Kuzma out and Kai ran around like crazy destroying a ton of lab equipment and running towards the exit before the scientist sedated him.

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Kuzma dodges Kai's attacks. Kuzma inserted a syringe into him and Kai was knocked out.

Kai wakes up strapped to a metal table. He saw Ichiro standing over him. "Ichi-ro?" "Silent now. You must become her again" "NO!"

Ichiro went into his Divine form and used his powers on Kai.

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"Ichiro has gone too far," Rhea said. We were now on a Japanese-style house terrace. "Rhea this is new" "Well it has been getting quite boring so I thought I sprew things up a bit and not meeting you in an endless void every time." She giggled. "Now I heard what Ichiro said. To say I am disappointed is an understatement. I wanted him to live and move on after my death. I wanted him to..." Tears are streaming down her face. "be happy. Not this monster. He is not the Ichiro I used to know." She sighs. "Kai switch with me"

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Kai's eyes open. They were Divine Being form. "Ichi I never thought you stoop so low. Give it up I'm already dead" Ichiro smiled. "Rhea, oh how I missed you"

"Stop it already and let the children go. They have no part in this" "But Rhea I need the children for my plan to work." "Why exactly?" she asked. "To build an army of course" he answered. "an army?" "Indeed even with the corpses, we preserved their power. We give them to the mortals and we control them. With it we can control the world from the inside and stop the hunters from hunting us." he said. "ARE YOU INSANE?!" she yelled. " I believe I'm not. I need more bodies too in case you die again as well" To this Rhea wanted to puke.

"You're not the Ichiro I know and love," She said. Ichiro turned to look at her. "To think you force Kai as a child to inherit my powers just so you can revive me back. I can't believe you!" she yelled "Rhea I am still the same Ichiro you know and love. I just... changed" "YOU LET GO OF THE CHILDREN NOW!" "Am afraid I can't allow that" Rhea tried to remove her restraints but with no luck. "Sorry, but I can't lose you again" With this, he kissed her, on Kai's body. "Not if I got anything to do with it. Now I was planning on breaking Kai so that he be easier to manipulate, but this is way easier" Rhea smirked. "Yea way easier" She used all of her energy and took over Ichiro's body.

"Okay got 2 minutes before I lose control" She unlocked Kai's restraints and then carried the body to the cell. "Keep him safe" she winked. The children understood.

"RHEA GIVE ME BACK MY BODY" Ichiro shouted Rhea giggled. "~SURE~" she releases control of the body.

Kai woke up in his body. "KAI!" Kai showed them the key that Rhea manage to grab. "Let's get out of here." One by one he unlocks their chains.

"NOW LET RUN TOWARDS THE EXIT" Rin shouted. "Woah there Rin. They could catch us again" Kai catches her before she ran out. "What is your suggestion?" Roberto asked. "We go to the Divine realm." The children were dumbstruck. "Can you even get there?" Alina asked. "Technically yes I can. Ichiro implanted in my head the Divine Realms coordinates and images" he said. "Grab all the bodies. So that we can give them a proper burial after this battle is over" They nodded and grabbed onto as many bodies as possible.

"Ready" They nodded. Kai activates his Divine powers and teleported all of them to the Divine Realm.

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"Finally it's time we take him down for good," Kato said as a bright light appeared. "WHAT THE?!" Catherine yelled. Suddenly Kai and the Divine Children appeared. "Why are we in a hospital?" Ecci asked. "We will be safe here"

Kato slapped his forehead. "Kai, how many times do I have to go over this with you? Don't teleport into the Divine Realm. Unless you want to go unconscious." "Sorry Kato, but it was the only opening Rhea gave us to escape. We couldn't use the front door. Tried that already back then. Can't teleport outside and hide again I tried that already"

"I'm guessing these are the divine children?" Kai nodded. His eyes were bleeding. "Come here," Kato said as he wraps bandages around Kai's eyes. "No using for an hour" Kai nodded. "Casualty reports" "13 dead, 4 injured," Alina said.

Kato presses a button. "Paging Dr. Ali and her nurse, please come to room 141. Code 22+222+1+77+33"

Dr.Ali and her nurse heard the call and rushed toward Kato's office.

"Dr. Kato! What going on? And woah! your out!" "Yea don't mind me, take care of the Divine Children first. I will deal with this idiot who teleported them here" Kato rolled his eyes as he begins to heal Kai.

"Dr. Ali we found 13 dead Divine Children," The nurse told her. "Contact their parents immediately. Let them know of the situation. How are those alive?" "Stable ma'am" "Good let them chew on the leaves"

"Now Dr. Kato, why are you out in your full form." She asked. "Ichiro has gone mad again." "Again?" Kato nodded. "Oh well. Who's stopping him this time?" "I will," Kai said. "Seriously?" "Yes, Rhea said she wants to be the one who stops him." "You're not going alone!" Rin shouted. "it could be dangerous" "Danger is my middle name" "Just let her go," Dr. Ali said sweat beading down her face. "Thanks, aunt!" "WAIT, AUNT?!" Everyone shouted. "It's not important right now, let's get ready for war"

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"Dang Rabbit, they escaped. Rhea, why won't you stay with me" he teared up.

"No matter we got 13 Divine Energy. It should work. KUZMA GRAB THE RATS" Kuzma nodded.

In the experiment room. "Kuzma you been loyal to me for that I shall give you one of the Divine Children's power," Ichiro said as he injected the Divine Energy into Kuzma. Veins crept up Kuzma's body and soon his eyes turned into a divine being's eyes. "Thank You Sire I won't let you down," he said as he brought in more people.

Ichiro broke their brains and Kuzma injects Divine energy into them. They smiled knowing they will win this war.

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