The flowing love

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"I-Ichi-ro" tears were streaming down my face. My best friend/mentor was a manipulator. Can't believe it.

"Kai are you okay?" the female asked. I shook my head. "No, the headmaster- Ichiro is not the Divine Being of Knowledge, but the Divine Being of Manipulation." All the Divine Children gasp. "Mom said he was dead! How did he survive?!" Rin shouted. "We don't know Rin. We all thought 'The Ichiro Ito' died" A male said. "Roberto... We do not say his name. Father says it brings bad luck and despair. He will eat our minds away" another male said. "DRAT! Who says what Father says Ecci" Roberto said. Ecci started to tear up. "ROBERTO LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO HIM!" the female shouted as she went to comfort the tearing boy. "It's fine Alina. We are all dead anyways."

"Kai, do you know anything else?" Kai shook his head. "No, but I know who does. Protect my unconscious body. I am going to talk with someone." Kai said as he got into a meditation pose. He closes his eyes and then opens them to be the Divine Power. 'C'mon' He focuses on Ichiro. He sees him with Kuzma. 'Perfect' He took control of Kuzma and began to talk.

"Oi let's talk," Kai said "I figured you were listening," Ichiro said. "Why are you doing this?" "Eh... let's see" Ichiro shifted into his Divine Being form. "I will show you my true intentions" his eyes started to glow and light consumed him.

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"Will he be okay?" "Don't worry Rin. He will be fine. If he can survive 200 years in Ice and torture I bet he can survive this" Alina said.

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"It was long ago. He and Rhea were young and stupid." Abiri started his story.

They were stupid. Kato being the nerd he is didn't join them in their fun. Ichiro was a kind child, filled with love. He loved Rhea. But then it all changed.

"COME ON ICHI. IT'S NOT THAT DANGEROUS" Rhea was jumping from stone to stone near a river. "RHEA! WAIT UP!" he runs towards her.

Back then he was the Divine Being of Love. Or so we thought.

"ICHIRO RUN!!!" Rhea shouted. Hunters were behind them. "RHEA WAIT ABOUT YOU?!" "Don't worry I will be fine" she activated her Divine Power and fought the hunters one by one.

"ABIRI-SENSEI! WE NEED HELP" Ichiro ran towards Abiri. Abiri was terrified. He ran out of the house and into the river. There lay Rhea's body. Ichiro and Kato soon caught up to Abiri and saw him with Rhea's body

"RHEA HEY! HEY! WAKE UP! THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" "Ichiro... the hunters... took my eyes...They... stab me... near the..." she coughed blood out. "heart... I won't... be able... to survive... long" she coughed out more. "My... energy... will be... going... to ... another...being... Please don't... do anything... irrational...until...I...return" The Rhea was gone. Abiri Ichiro and Kato saw her energy going out of her.

We wept like there was no tomorrow. That is when Ichiro changed. His eyes and horn were different. His eyes were now full of hatred. He was cold and distant. I couldn't bear to see him like this. I guess he thought of it first and ran away.

"Abiri-sensei, I'm leaving," he said. Ichiro ran out of the house and into the night. 'Rhea I will find you. Even if it takes me a millinuem'

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It was a long past, Kai. It was lonely without her. I wander into the night. Every day searching for her energy. I stumbled upon the hunters that had killed Rhea.

'Time for some payback' I slaughter them all. My newly acquired powers helped me, powered me. It was all I could do, but it didn't make the pain go away.

200 years laterWhere stories live. Discover now