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Back in the day, my parents used to say Knowledge is the key to everything. I didn't understand at first. I thought they made it up. I guess I would be proven wrong when I find my best friend looking had he had a horn and talking to himself.

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Kai walks to the library like on any normal day. He has been going to the library every day except Saturday and Sunday.

He went inside trying to find Ichiro to continue his studies. He found him; well, he thinks he found him. This person had a horn wearing a cloak and seemed to be talking to himself.

"Igai Doora ell operai," the cloaked figure said. Which Kai translated to Thee door shall open?

The bookshelf split open revealing a secret passageway. Kai followed along but the bookshelf closed.

"Hmm... maybe I can try to open it?" Kai closed his eyes and began remembering what the cloaked man said "Igai Doora ell operai" the bookshelf split open and the passageway opened.

He walked in, walked down four flights of stairs, and bumped into 5 walls. Until finally, he reached a meeting room. He saw the cloaked figure and in front of him was another person that looked like the cloaked him. He listens to the conversation.

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"Let's drop the hood wise one" the cloaked man said. As soon as he said did this 'Wise one' drops his hood. I couldn't make out the color of his hair, but I saw orange "Did you find him yet wise one?" the cloaked man asks. "Fortunately, I did, near the meeting room," 'wise one' said.

"Oh, what about the Divine Powers is it still with him?" the cloaked man asks. "I have no idea, but I believe he might still have it," 'wise one' said as he turned to look towards me, then back at the cloaked man I guess.

"But if this is him. The one who survived the curse from the Divine Being of Vision" 'wise one' said. "I wonder who the Divine Being of Vision is. Cause it seems she placed a curse upon the power." "It shall be interesting to see his abilities to their fullest" "Indeed with the power of the Divine Being of Vision within him. He must have proven his potential to the Divine Being," the cloaked man said.

"I must take my leave. It seems the person with the Divine Being of Vision power has arrived for our private lessons" Lessons wait a minute. Then the guy in the cloak faded away. 'wise one' walks towards me. "That was dangerous Kai." 'wise one' said. Then I saw his form fade away. All that was left was Ichiro.

"WHAT THE ICHIRO?!" I screamed. Ichiro was a I don't know anymore, but before I went into more screaming Ichiro placed his hand over my mouth. "Shhh he might hear you," he said "Let go to the surface first" Ichiro lead me out of the meeting room.

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"Okay explain," Kai said as he and Ichiro sat down. "Uh... how do I explain this." Ichiro fiddled around with the pencil. "Do you know of the Divine Beings?" Kai nodded. "They are beings we humans used to worship. But they disappeared for 500 years." Ichiro nodded. "You're correct but we didn't disappear. We simply returned home" Ichiro sighed "Some of us decided to live in your dimension. Other returned" "Okay, but you know something about my eyes, don't you?" Kai asked his divine power almost activating. "Who knows I might not be the one you are looking for," Ichiro said with an unamused face. "In due time you'll find out" he gave Kai a book and started tutoring him.

'Hmm... what does he mean' Kai was answering the homework Ichiro gave him. "Need help?" Catherine asked putting down a cup of coffee for him. "Uh kind of. Do you know the Divine Being of Visions?" He asked. Catherine shook her head. "Nope sorry. You know Divine Being disappeared 500 years ago" Kai sighs as he finishes the homework Ichiro gave him.

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