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So everything was chaos for a while. People still call it the battle of the Divine Beings, or the return of the Divine Being. With some help, we were able to rebuild the Yin-Yang Café.

Kuzma got locked up in the Divine Realm, and Ichiro well...

He and Rhea have been talking a lot. Which is good. His original self was still in him. Sometimes I can still sense him, but Rhea assured us that Ichiro is new again.

Ichiro said he hears a voice in his head and decided to talk to it. He says it's pretty annoying. I totally understand where he is coming from.

So far everything has been fine.

Well, the fine might not be the right word...

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"Hey, Rhea, why do I lack some of my memories?" Ichiro asked. "Like I said you hit your head so hard it caused you to lose your memories," Rhea said calmly. "yea, but it doesn't make sense. The voice in my head is telling me something different" Rhea's eyes widen. "Whatever you do. Do not listen to that voice! Okay," Ichiro nodded and walked away.

She closes her eyes and the horn and Divine power deactivate. "Rhea? What's going on?" "Manipulator is trying to control Ichiro," she said. I activate the Divine power and did a summoning call.

"Emergency Summon!" I yelled. The group gathers around a round table.

"Kid what going on?" Abiri asked. "Manipulator is trying to manipulate Ichiro," I said. Everyone in the room gasped.

"Didn't Rhea rewrite his memories?" Rin asked. "Yea, but it is weaker against the Divine Beings"

"I knew this was going to happen. Though we manage to end 'manipulator', we didn't exactly kill him" Kato said. "So what do we do?" Ecci asked. "We either tell him the truth, or we rewrite his memories again," Kato said. I looked at everyone. "I say we rewrite his memories," Roberto said. Everyone nodded. "I think not," I said. "We can't keep rewriting his memories every single time 'manipulator' tries to control him. I say we tell him. With the new Ichiro at least he can control 'manipulator'." Kato backed me up "I'm with Kai on this one. Rewriting his memories will only fuel 'manipulator' even more"

"Okay don't blame us if he tries to destroy the world again," Roberto said as me and Kato went to talk to Ichiro.

"Hey Ichi, so about that voice in your head," Kato said as Ichiro look a bit dumbfounded. "Yea, what about it?" "We are going to tell you the truth about that voice," I said. "Promise me one thing. Once we tell you the truth, you will remain the same" Ichiro nodded. I activated my divine power and put him under an illusion.

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Ichiro was seeing the battle of the Divine Beings. 'I thought this was a stupid story that people on earth told'

"15 Oh my what horrible cracks you have gotten," he heard someone say. "YOU HAVE CRACKS TOO YOU IDIOT!!!" Kai yelled. "Ah yes, I do have the cracks." He said.

He rushes to Kai with a flame-like power, what minute wasn't he human?

He saw Kai uses his Divine power. Cracks started to form. Then that strange man with power was stopped.

"Sire I have brought 15," he said. "Good," Someone said he does look oddly familiar. He touched Kai's face. "Rhea, my dear those cracks do not look good on you," he said. How does this guy know Rhea?

Then suddenly Kai's eyes open. Divine Powers activated. "Well, you don't look good either Ichi" Kai? Said though he sounds like a woman? "Rhea"

Rhea punched him. "Time for some fun," She said. A horn grew on Kai's body. The cracks spread more. "My dear. You look horrible" the mysterious person said. Rhea didn't listen and went out to touch point.

"Sorry Ichi" She uses her Divine Energy and Energy sprouted out of them like whips.

"REWRITE!" then he saw his body on the ground.

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Ichiro woke up in a sweat. He was in his bed. Kai and Kato were sitting beside him. "Well do you remember anything?" Kai asked. "Rhea... she rewrote my memories" Ichiro mumbled. "Sorry... it was the only way to stop you, without having to kill you," Kai said. "That voice in your head is 'manipulator'. I could show you more, but I figure it must be hard already" Ichiro was crying. "Can I talk to Rhea?" he asked. Kai nodded.

Kai closes his eyes and lets Rhea take over. Horns grew on his head. He opens his eyes "Ichi, I guess you saw the battle huh" Rhea spoke. Ichiro nodded "Was it the only way to stop me?" The two of them nodded. "Sorry"

"It's fine, I looked like an idiot anyways," he said as he lays back down.

"Would you like all of your memories back? It would help better control 'Manipulator' " Rhea asked and Ichiro thought.

"Sure?" he said. "Just promise me you will remain the same" Ichiro nodded. "Don't worry Rhea I will remain the same. I hope"

Rhea activates her Divine Powers and "Return to what was lost. Let the memories be memories once again" she mumbled. Ichiro fell into a deep slumber.

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"OK everyone good news. Ichiro is still Ichiro. Manipulator is not coming out, as of yet" Rhea said proudly. "Let's just hope the original memory of him going crazy would be the last one," Abiri said as everyone nodded.

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Ichiro woke up. "well, is your mind changed yet?" Kato asked. Ichiro shook his head. "Nope" "Good"

Everyone celebrated. Ichiro was back. The real one.

Everyone celebrated Ichiro. For his victory against Manipulator.

Ichiro said "I am not going to seal him. He was just someone who had good intentions. Did it in a bad way" I nodded at his decision.

While everyone was partying. My Divine Power activated.

I saw something, I wish I hadn't seen.

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It was terrifying.

Worst than the Manipulator's battle.

Dead bodies laying around.

Children crying

Government is in anarchy

A destroyed city

The divine realm didn't look much better

I couldn't tell where I was anymore everything was destroyed.

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'Hey Rhea, what was that?!' I asked. "I don't know, but it definitely wasn't from the past," Rhea said

I am now terrified for what is to come.

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