Ex-Best friend

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"Love you Zindagi"

Jinali Pov: 

 Jinu, wake up, Jinuuuu, wake up, otherwise you're missing your flight. I heard a loud angry voice from my mother.

I opened my eyes to look at Doraemon's mini facial alarm. My eyes are becoming wide. It's one o'clock in the morning. I have a five o'clock flight to Dubai. Freak, I don't want to miss my flight. I murmur and look at Mom, who looks at me in anger. (May God save me from this furious woman.)

First, take a deep breath and be ready; there's still time. I heard my buddy's voice, quickly looked at him with a grin, and thanked God. Good morning, Daddy. I hugged him. Good morning, Jini. He wished me back, and I quickly rushed to the bathroom because I didn't want to listen to my mom's lecture, Thank God I already kept my needed things in the bathroom before.

By the time I quickly check my requirements and look at my room, I'll be missing my room for the whole month. I sigh. I show up in the lobby and I look at the sad faces. Folks, please do not now... It took me a while to convince them to let me go solo trip, but my family is asking me to. What will you do there? And that sort of thing.

When you get the coolest uncle, aunt, and cute little cousins, some idiot will be the one who rejects this tempting offer. Rupali lets her go; she needs to learn alone now that she's ripe.

" Yes", Mom, you Jinu is now a grown-up girl, she knows how to take care of her. 

"Okay," Jinu, now listen, you have to call us when you reached and take care of yourself. I want the same, Jinu, okay? "Done", I answered.

I quickly gave a hug to my lovelies before heading to the car. I arrived at the airport around 2 a.m.; it only took 30 minutes because we stayed close to the airport and there was no traffic at midnight.

The flight is being delayed for an hour because of poor weather conditions. Meanwhile, I decided to browse through my Instagram feed and take a glimpse into other people's lives. I came across a mirror selfie posted by my former best friend, showcasing her new iPhone 13 - her first iPhone. I am quite familiar with her behaviour; she tends to flaunt her wealth to others, even though she is not rich. I disliked her tendency to imitate others and prove that she shares the same preferences.

Ah, I recall our first argument vividly.

While watching the Friends show with a friend who used to discuss the characters and episodes with me, I discovered that she had started watching it too, despite previously expressing dislike for it. 

When I asked her why? she stubbornly, claimed that her preferences had changed. However, I believed that her behaviour change was not simply a matter of preference, but rather a desire for attention from others. While it is understandable to change over time, changing solely for the sake of others is not genuine.

We hadn't spoken in a few days, and I noticed that she began to distance herself from me after she found a new best friend. Eventually, she officially ended our friendship, which happened to be on my birthday.

 It's been five years, but we still haven't unfollowed each other on social media or had any conversations except for when she regularly sends me snaps on Snapchat. I wonder if she believes I still care. Honestly, I'm not sure, but I know I'll never find another friend like her!

I soon heard a speaker announcing the boarding and identification process for the Emirates flight from BOM to DXB. After submitting my identities, I proceeded toward the plane with a mix of nervousness and excitement. As I settled into my seat, I recollected my dad's thought, Jinu, you have always been the most sensible member of our family.

As your father, I am proud of you, my dear princess. I appreciate that you only ask for things when necessary. However, I want to make it clear that I don't want you to repeat the same mistake that Riya made. Our family is accepting of love marriages, but if you happen to fall in love with someone or have a romantic relationship, I want you to be cautious.

 I would like it If you inform me before anyone else does. Princess, I am not only your father but also your friend. Don't worry, my friend, I assure you that I will not repeat the same mistake as Riya Di. He smiled and told me to go before he changed his mind. I laughed and embraced him tightly for a long time.

Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Dubai Airport. The local time is 7:30 AM, and the temperature is

36.5 °C I heard, I woke up and thought about my dad. I heard that my cousin did something surprising to my uncle. She got married to a successful business owner without telling our family. When my uncle found out, he was not happy because he wanted her to marry his choice. Because of this, my uncle stopped talking to her. But now, she is 30 weeks pregnant and will have a baby soon. I am sure that when the baby is born, my uncle will forgive her and be happy again. 

"It's hard for dads to hold a grudge against their daughters for too long".

I sighed, grabbed my bag, and made my way toward the airport exit.

 All of a sudden, I spotted a little girl who appeared to be around three years old standing close by. Her eyes started to fill up with tears, and I observed it happening.

I had a feeling that the little girl was lost, so I approached her with a kind tone and called her "Princess." She looked at me with tears in her eyes, and I couldn't stand to see a child upset. I gently asked her if she was with anyone, and she nodded and told me her dad was with her. I looked around for someone who could assist and eventually saw a police officer.

I think he will help me to find her father. Excuse me, sir, this young girl is lost in this area. Can you assist us in locating her father? He agrees, asks us a few questions, then contacts his team using a walkie-talkie before telling us to wait. 

After a short while, we see a man coming towards us, and the girl runs to him and gives him a hug. Assuming he is her father, I ask the officer if I can leave and thank him for his help.

hello guys , I hope you like the first Chapter.

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Note: Please do not plagiarize my work.

Thankyou -Pari

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