Untold Truth

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The wedding went smoothly and without any complications. The bride, who is the only child of her parents, is sweet and caring. After the marriage rituals, everyone was tired and we headed to our room. 

The remaining rituals were to be done in the morning. While lying in bed, I looked at the pictures I took during the wedding, with Prachi, Riya, Jiju, my cousins, and Dr. Aryan, who is handsome. I smiled, thinking that I looked good with him. I didn't ask him to take pictures with me, but Chaaya insisted. 

I couldn't help but notice that Chaaya's looks are similar to her mother's, as she doesn't resemble Dr. Aryan at all. But poor girl she lost her mother on the same day as she was born. This much I knew about her mom by Prachi.

Author Pov:-  

 "The sun was shining and she was smiling in her dreams". 

Someone tried to wake her up, but she didn't want to. 

She was enjoying a date with Doraemon, and she asked him to show her some gadgets.    

They were having a good time until she felt something cold and glossy

When she opened her eyes, she saw her heavily pregnant sister looking at her angrily. She sat up on the bed and asked why her sister had interrupted her date. She had been having a good time with her love. 

She heard her sister say that she looked cute,(note in sarcasm) but then she noticed that her sister wasn't alone in the room. Their cousins, Chaaya and Jiju, as well as Dr. Aryan, were also present. She wondered what they were doing there and looked towards them."

"I am confused. Why are you all looking at me like I have done something wrong? 

It's already almost afternoon, and yet you are acting all lovey-dovey in bed. 

What am I supposed to do when I am tired and stressed-free, and just want to have a peaceful moment with Doraemon? But still, you guys have some issues. I want to shout, but I can't because this isn't my relative's house, and secondly, I have to behave nicely in front of Dr. Aryan and his family."

I apologized and promised it wouldn't happen again. 

My sister's acting like a typical mom-to-be, but I'll protect my little niece or nephew from her icy demeanor.

She got ready and went downstairs to satisfy her hunger with delicious food. She found out that the newly married couple had gone to Vatican City for their honeymoon.

She was about to take a bite of her brown bread when she heard a deep voice. She paused and put the food back on the plate. As she turned around, she saw her sister hugging the person she trusted the most and loved. 

However, she was angry because they hadn't even considered telling her the truth.

 Her grandparents were standing right in front of her. If she wasn't angry with them, she would probably be hugging them like a mad person. But wait what are they doing here and how come they know the Mehta's Family?

I decided to return to my room and ask my parents if they knew about Mehta's family, as almost everyone in my family knew them, except for my parents. 

I was about to call them when I heard a knock on the door. I ended the call and opened the door to find my grandparents standing there with Riya.

 I asked Riya di not to talk, but my grandmom insisted that they wouldn't leave until we had a chat. I let out a sigh and sat on the bed while they sat on the couch opposite me. 

Before I could say anything, my grandpa interrupted and said, "I know you have lots of questions and doubts. We're here to clear things up. Just listen to us, my doll." I relaxed on the bed and agreed to listen.

"I want to tell you why I married Riya to Omkar," my grandpapa said. I nodded, curious.

 "The day I found out Riya's marriage had been fixed, I was happy for her. But I couldn't let my granddaughter live with such a form of contract."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, your uncle fixed your sister's marriage because he had taken a huge loan from the other family. To clear the debt, they asked for an alliance with their son, who is a womanizer.

 When I found out about this from my friend, I was angry with your uncle. He could have asked us for the money, but instead, he asked people who are not just money-minded, but who have also done many illegal things.

 When they found out that your uncle was losing in business, they asked for your sister's hand just because your uncle didn't pay the actual amount on time."

"Why didn't you tell us about this earlier, grandpapa?" I asked. "And why did you let Riya elope just a few days before her wedding? Why didn't you inform us earlier?"

He smiled and said, "I wanted to teach your uncle a lesson, my dear. I always keep an eye on our family to see what they're doing and how they're doing it. 

The day your uncle said he had received a proposal for Riya, I knew something was off. So, I asked my best friend, Ashok Aryan's grandfather, to find out about the other family's debt. When I heard about it, I couldn't let my granddaughter's life end like this. 

So, I wanted your uncle to face his problems. If he couldn't share his problem with us, then he should face the consequences."

"I see," I said. "But why didn't you tell me about it?"

"Because I didn't want to worry you," he replied. "And I wished Riya the best. So, I contacted my other best friend, Avinash Khanna, and asked for his grandson Omkar's hand in marriage with Riya. Avinash handled everything that day, and they had a private wedding with only a few relatives."

"I wanted to attend my sister's wedding, but why didn't you tell me about it?" I asked.

"If I had told you, people might have blamed you as you are the close to your sister. I don't want my granddaughters to face that due to their father's mistakes," he replied.

"Why Omkar jiju? Couldn't you find any suitable groom for my sister?" I asked him.

 He chuckled and replied, "Before your uncle even mentioned the proposal, I had already sent your sister's photos to Avinash and asked for his grandson's hand. They immediately said yes."

Your brother-in-law and his family already like Riya and are excited to make her their daughter-in-law. When I shared this information with your sister, she also expressed her fondness for him.

 However, your uncle emotionally blackmailed her, which led her to sacrifice her own happiness."

Oh, I see, When Omkar Jiju looks into Riya Di's eyes with so much love and adoration, you can feel the love in the air. "I looked at my sister and noticed that her face was turning red, which made me laugh. She had a cherry-like complexion."

"I know, Grandpa, that you were the one who sent Uncle and Aunt to Canada and made things difficult for them, right? See, Savita, my granddaughter is so smart!" I chuckled and felt happy knowing that if Grandpa hadn't taken action, my sister wouldn't be as happy as she is right now.

"Grandpapa, if you're so close to the Mehta family, why haven't you told us before?" I asked getting, puzzled. 

Her grandpapa, who had been smiling just a moment ago, suddenly looked serious and solemn. He took a deep breath and said, "It's time for you to know the truth, my dear."

I'm back!! so what your thoughts for this chapter? 

There may be lots of grammar errors pls ignore it.

Keep smiling, and spread love 


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