Who's he?

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Author PoV:

Somewhere in Ludhiana (India)

 A 30-year-old man sat on a high-back executive chair with a powder blue interior design in an office with a giant window, crossing his legs.

He asked his best friend across from him, "Did you find her? Are there any updates?"

I did, as per the research we got to know she had given birth to a baby girl three years ago and she's living with the Mehta family. also, you can see the little girl's photos here (the photos were kept on a desk above the red file) and what about her? what is she doing? 

"Hmm, we haven't received any news about her. We also haven't seen her with her child or any member of the Mehta family." 

by look at the photos of that little girl "I can assure with 100% accuracy that she has inherited your genes."

"I never doubt it."

So, When are you going to bring back my niece and sister in law?

"He smirked and said, "Let's execute the next plan."

Back to Mehta house:- 

Jinali Pov:-

What truth grandpapa? i asked. 

"Let me clear the air," I turned around to see the seniors of Mehta Family standing.

I am feeling confused and curious about the truth. 

"Can any one of you please help me understand what's going on?" I went to Dr. Aryan Grandfather and asked grandfather please says it what's truth i should known? 

He placed his right hand on my head and said, "This house is not just Jairaj's best friend's house, it's your grandmother's sister's house too, my dear."

Did you mean to say that Grandma and Dr. Aryan's grandmother are sisters?

"He nodded, and I feel like I am solving a trigonometric problem."

For the first time I feel trigonometric solution were easy to solve than family history.

Why didn't Grandpa and Grandma inform us before? And why haven't any of you attend any family gatherings?

He smiled and said, "Jairaj, my doll is very clever, just like you." I could see my grandpa's proud face saying, "Told you."

Grandfather Please, first clear this family history then appreciates me later on.

Come sit here my Doll, he called me to seat on bed besides his left side and my grandpapa came and sit next to my right.

Jairaj and I had been childhood friends, and we used to do almost everything together. We even made a pact to get married on the same day. One day, I received a marriage proposal, and I asked Jairaj to accompany me to discuss it with my parents.

When we went to meet the prospective bride, Jairaj fell in love with her sister at first glance. so we decided to get married at the same day. Our wishes were fulfilled soon after, and our children were born. To our delight, our sons, Vinay (Aryan dad) and your father, became best friends.

"They were just like us. They even wanted to get married on the same date. Surprisingly, these guys had already found their soulmates and asked us to join them in a happily ever after. They got married on the same date and even got pregnant just a week apart. 

However, amidst all this happiness,

 There was a woman who was selfish, greedy, and most importantly, broke our happy family into pieces."

With an angry tone, "I asked who was the women Who destroyed our family?".

"It was your mom's cousin. My grandpa spoke."

Mom cousin? yes my dear, your nanu elder brother daughter she was infertile and because of that her in laws was treating ill. she was jealous of your mother as your mother gets everything Well your mother was excellent in every aspects and she was not, so her father used to compare her with your mother.

she was so insecure that she tries to create misunderstandings to your parents. your mother was kind lady. she always care for her furthermore knowing she was infertile, forgive her and helps her to get through it. 

Even we decided to let it go. but the day your elder brother was born everything was changed.

My elder brother?  

 "She started getting too close with your elder brother, we thought she was unable to have a child herself, so she was fulfilling her motherly love for that child. 

A week later, Aryan was born and everything was going smoothly."

Time passed, and soon after your mother became pregnant with you. When you were born, Aryan was stuck to you like a glue and never left your side. 

What! My Crush Knowns me since i was a baby !!! a different volt felt to by body after hearing it.

One day, you were playing hide and seek with these two. You were only three years old at the time and you hid in a small cupboard with  Aryan.

 Your brother was the one who was seeking and no one else was home except your aunt. She had been waiting for a long time to take you and your brother away. However, since you guys were hiding, she couldn't find you and ended up taking your brother and running away.

My mind  were planning to kill this woman and some what sympathy i feel for her not being a mother was vanished.

The lights of our family, was gone when you mother heard the news she was depressed, she even try to suicide. If you weren't there we will lost our daughter in law my child just because of your innocence she able to come back...

 We try every possible things to find my grandson but We failed my child, We fai..led .. 

I never seen tears in my grandpapa eyes not only he but also grandma, Dr.Aryan grandparents has tears in their eyes.

"As time passed, Ashok decided to leave the country for better future prospects. Although he asked us to move with him, we declined, and as the distance grew, our memories became more distant. 

I asked with difficulty, "Is my brother still alive?"

"I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that you're alive, brother."

'YES' I looked to the source of voice Dr. Aryan came near to me and said yes watermelon your older brother aka my Chintu is alive.

"Thank God, Ganesh Ji."

"What's his name?" I asked, accompanied by a smiling face. 

"Rajveer Shah"






It was a quite emotional chapter wasn't it? 

"Stay tuned for the next notification. Until then, please show your love. :)"

Thank you Pari

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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