Arc Two: The Most Beautiful Woman

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For the last couple days, Miguel has been going back to the coffee shop every morning. Each time he goes he sees her.

Every time they see each other they always give each other a smile and a wave.

She never fails to look so beautiful.

To Miguel, she's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. In all the universe he's ever gone to, he has never seen a woman that could compare to her beauty.

EARTH-222 is the only other universe he constantly goes back to, he hasn't done this since... Gabriella. He knows this won't end the same. There was no way it could. He wouldn't be the reason another universe is destroyed.

At times he's conflicted. Since first seeing and having small interactions with the woman, Miguel has begun feeling better. It's easier for him to get out of bed, it's easier for him to keep going throughout the day because he has something to look forward to.

But he feels guilty for feeling this way. He felt like he shouldn't be able to feel joy after what he did to Gabriella and her universe...


Since starting to go to the coffee shop, Miguel has begun putting more effort in how he looks. Of course he never left his home unpresentable, because then he'd hear his mothers nagging voice in the back of his head. Now, he wants to look good for her...

He's not fully exerting himself to look the best he's ever looked but he checks himself out in the mirror three times before he leaves.

After receiving his morning report from Lyla, she stopped him.


He stopped.

His back faced her, he was looking down at his watch. Preparing to enter EARTH-222.

"Yes, Lyla?"

She hesitated.

"I am happy to see you're doing better,"

She let out a small quick smile. Looking over his side, trying to get a look at his face.

Miguel, back still faced toward her, looked down at the floor and thought about what she said.

He didn't realize others could see a change in him. He wasn't fully better, he was just beginning to feel better.

He didn't know what to do with Lyla's comment.

Miguel shifted his look forward, opening up the portal to EARTH-222.

He didn't even need to look down to open the portal. At this point, it was like second nature.

"You know how to reach me."

Before Lyla could answer him back Miguel had already stepped through the portal. 


A/N: Thanks for reading y'all! I know this part is a little short but I hope the other two parts (5 & 6) I posted make up for it. 

Imagine learning the woman's name in the next part ;) ... 


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