Arc Three: Lunch Heartbreak

236 14 4

7:58 AM

Isa makes it to work with two minutes left to spare the time God was on her side today.

The coffee shop wasn't far from Oscorp but it was a good walk. The important thing was she made it on time. She can't risk another late write up, not after Peter got her this job.

Although she was no longer in love with Peter, he was still her best friend.

She owed him that much.


After a morning of answering calls, scheduling appointments, greeting clients, it's finally lunch!

Walking up the stairs to the break room, she got a notification from her calendar:


Isa had totally forgotten that Peter made plans with her to finally have lunch with him.

A couple days ago, Peter reached out to Isa to have lunch for the first time in over a month and a half. Isa said yes, this would be the first time her and Peter caught up after his Uncle Ben's death...

Once entering the break room Peter immediately noticed her.

It took Peter waving at Isa for her to notice him.

Oh, he's already here.

His punctuality shocked her. She really hadn't seen Peter in a long time. She was starting to think he was purposefully ignoring her.

Isa was just really happy to see him again.

She walked over to where Peter was sitting.

"Hey Peter, ¡mucho tiempo sin verlo!"

'Peter?' What happened to Petey?

Peter thought to himself.

"Hey Isa, I know! If I didn't know better I would think you're mad at me"

He laughed.

Isa was a little taken aback.

"What do you mean, Parker?"

Okay, we're getting somewhere. 'Parker' is better than just 'Peter.'

Peter thought.

"You used to always call me Petey, I was a little caught off guard by 'Peter.'"

Isa hadn't noticed that she hadn't called him 'Petey.'

Wow, I guess it really has been that long...

Isa thought to herself.

"Oh, sorry Petey, I didn't even notice. It's just been a while since I've seen you "

Isa let out a small laugh.

After that Peter looked off to his right, he was really thinking about what Isa said.

It really has been a long time...

That thought hurt Peter. He knows he was doing the right thing to keep a distance between him and Isa while he drew the line between Peter Parker and Spider-Man.

That doesn't mean that it hurt Isa any less...

Peter looks back at Isa.

"Sorry Isa. I just wanted to make sure that we were good. It's really been a really long time since we've seen each other..."

Isa could tell by Peter's voice that he has missed his best friend and much as she's been missing hers.

"I know Petey... I am glad we can finally catch up now."

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