Arc Three: The Date Pt 4

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They eventually left the restaurant and Miguel walked her back home, they talked the entire way back.

Once they got to her place, they stayed a little longer inside just talking. After a couple minutes, the wind got colder. They took this as a sign to wrap up their date.


"I had an amazing night with you"

Miguel said.

Isa smiled,

"Me too, anytime I'm with you it's amazing."

Hearing this from Isa made Miguel's heart skip a beat. This gave him the courage to say something he had been thinking about for a long time.

"I'd love to keep doing this... with you. Going on dates and spending more time together as ... more than just friends..."

Isa's heart skipped a beat, she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"As a couple?"

Isa asked, trying to keep her excitement at bay.

"Yeah, I actually have something for this..."

Miguel began to dig into his pocket taking out a box. He handed it to Isa.

"Miguel you shouldn't have"

"I know, but I want you to have this"

Isa gives in, she blushes.

"Aw, okay Miguel. But you really shouldn't have"

Isa tries to hide her excitement, she has no clue what's in the box.

She opens the box and sees the charm bracelet inside. She can no longer hold her excitement,


She notices all the different charms. All the charms speak to her, she sees how intentional Miguel was with this gift. It was like Miguel could see right through her, into her soul.

Seeing Isa love her gift made Miguel so happy. The creeping warmth in his chest is finally burning hot.

As Isa excitingly admired the gift Miguel said,

"Let me help you put it on"

Isa's smile was to big to give him a response other than handing him the charm bracelet.

As he was putting the bracelet on he asked Isa,

"Since meeting you, my life has gotten better. I'd love it if we became an official couple. So will you be my girlfriend?"

Isa immediately answered,


Their first move as a couple was to smile big, they lean in for a kiss.

Their second move as a couple was to share their first kiss.


From a distance, Peter sees all of this happen. He's been following them since they left the restaurant.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Seeing Isa, the woman he loved, kiss another man shattered his heart into a million pieces.

As Miguel and Isa say goodnight they share another kiss. He watches Isa enter the build and Miguel go away.

Other than the feeling of jealousy and heartbreak, since laying his eyes on Miguel his Spider senses go off. This feeling only intensifies when he's near Isa.

He knows it's not jealousy, his senses are telling him something, he knows Miguel is a danger.

Peter feels he must get to the bottom of things.

He decides to follow Miguel home.

Miguel walks a couple blocks and Peter follows him not too far behind. Suddenly, Miguel makes a turn into an alley. This especially alerts Peter, it's incredibly suspicious behavior.

Peter turns into the alley only to see that it's a dead end and Miguel is nowhere to be found.

Confused Peter climbs up the side of the building, scoping the area for a while. After accepting he lost track of Miguel he lets out,


How could I have lost track of him?! Where could he have gone?!

This mystery only worried Peter more, there's no way Miguel could be anything other than trouble. As long as Miguel was in Isa's life that meant she was in harm's way. Peter not Spider-Man would be willing to risk that.


A/N: HEYYY YALL! I am SO back! So I know I was GONE for almost 6 ENTIRE MONTHS. Life got CRAZY (got groomed by my former boss, jumped out a window, started meds and therapy, etc.) but I AM SO BACK in a VERY BIG WAY! Will be updating more consistently since I survived my second year of college (WHOOP WHOOP)! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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