Arc Three: You Don't Know the Half of It

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Miguel entered EARTH-222 as Spider-Man.

On top of a building across the street from where Isa lives, Miguel sees her running. She's crying.

Why is she running?

He asks himself.

Miguel saw she ran out of Peter's house. He turns to see Peter at the door watching her run away.

Parker, what the hell did you just do?

Miguel walks towards the other side of the roof.

He texts Isa to check in on her.

Miguel: I know we already said good night but I hope you had a great dinner and got home safe. Don't forget, I'm here for you.

Almost immediately Isa texts Miguel back.

Isa: I just got home... but I lost my best friend. I really need someone to talk to...

Miguel: Isa, I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm glad you're safe, I'll call you soon.

Isa: Thanks Miguel, I really could use a call right now.

He's about to call isa and all of a sudden his feet are webbed to the floor.

Realizing what just happened, he thinks to himself,

Shit. Times like these I wish I had spider senses.

He hears a voice yell at him,

"Hey! Who are you?! And why are you here?!"

Great, what I just needed. At least I don't have to go look for him.

"Hey, Spider-Man, right? Look, you don't have to worry about me, I'm a good guy"

Miguel throws his hands in the air, mocking Spider-Man's authority.

"Yeah yeah yeah, no I totally 'believe you.' You don't clearly look like a threat"

Spider-Man looked him up and down, something about his suit seemed so familiar. He couldn't put his finger on it.

Miguel put one hand on his hip and the other one was pressed against his temple. Spider-Man was already beginning to give him a headache.

"Look, your humor doesn't work on me. I know you're new to this whole thing. Believe it or not but I'm also spider-man, just from a different universe and tim–"

Before he could finish Peter interrupted him. Peter didn't care about what he wanted. He needed to know why he was here. Why he watched Isa run.

"What are you doing here?!"

Annoyed of Peter's constant questions, he sighs,

"¡Aye coño! I don't really have time for your games, Parker. We need to talk."

What?! How does he know?... No one knows.

Peter tries to play this off,

"Who is 'Parker?!'"

If Peter could see under Miguel's mask he'd see that Miguel just rolled his eyes.

"Kid, I know you're Peter Parker."

"I'm not a kid! And who is that?!"

Miguel is beyond fed up.

"Really? Can't you just believe I'm another Spider-Man and listen to what I have to say?"

"Who are you?!"

"Okay kid, this game is really getting old. I'm also Spider-Man. I'm from another dimension and the future. Okay? Now can you just listen to me?"

"Why were you looking at her!"

Fine, if he won't stop talking... I'll just start having fun...

Miguel thought to himself.

"I don't know she caught my eye Parker, but I'm here stuck with you"

This enrages Peter.

"Don't you dare get near her! I'll kill you!"

"Woah woah Peter, I'm just joking. Well... not really, but we do need to talk!"


"Look, I know this is a lot to take in but you can't just show up everywhere as Spider-Man. Not even to impress the most beautiful woman in all Nueva Angeles"

Shocked as to how he could have possibly known that, he changed his tone.

"How do you kno–"

Before he could finish, Miguel interrupted him. Returning the favor.

"¡Ay por Dios! What part of the future don't you understand? But also it's common sense, being Spider-Man isn't being a mascot. It's being a hero only when the city needs you, not when you need it to benefit you."

Miguel walked out of the webs.

Peter knew he was right.

"It's not for me... it's for someone I really care about..."

"Same difference. Look kid, I'm willing to show you the ropes but you really cannot risk the lives of others because you wanna be on someone's good side. Whatever you're trying to solve, this won't fix it."

Unable to say anything against that, he sighs.

'You're right, I won't go"

Miguel is relieved that's all it took,


"But let's say... I do end up going as myself... Do you think things will get fixed?"

"Look, I don't really understand your entire situation but Spider-Man just won't fix it. That's all I can really say."

Miguel threw his hands up again, showing he had no solution.

Miguel turns around to leave.

Spider-Man webs his hand, holding him back.

Annoyed, he tilted his head to look up,

"Yes, Peter? Did you need something else?"

"So you really are another Spider-Man, from somewhere else..."

"You're finally listening"

"I didn't know there were others like me... I thought I was the only one..."

Having heard this a million times, Miguel lets out a small chuckle.

"Kid, you don't even know the half of it"

Surprised by this answer, he excitedly asked,

"You'd really show me the ropes?"

"I could but we can talk about that later, I have to get going"

Miguel rips himself free from the web with ease.

Peter is shocked by his strength, and finally realizes how big he is.

"Wait! How can I find you?"

Miguel starts walking away.

"You won't. But I'll find you"

Miguel leaves.

Peter thought about following him but decided to trust him.

Only if Peter knew he had just met the new man in Isa's life. 


A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope y'all enjoyed this part! This is the first time Peter and Miguel meet. Next part is coming up asap!

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