Arc Three: Late Night Comfort

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After getting away from Peter, Miguel went to find an empty alley.

Once finding one he calls Isa.

Isa immediately answers.

"Isa, I'm sorry for the wait. Is everything okay?"

"Don't worry about it, Miguel. Thank you for calling. I feel terrible. I just lost my best friend."

Miguel could hear she was still crying. She was taking deep breaths between each sentence.

"What happened, Isa?"

He could hear Isa trying to stop crying.

"He told me he was in love with me"

As soon as she said that, she began to cry again.


He was not expecting that.

She continued,

"I can't be his best friend like that... not when we are figuring out what's between us..."

Miguel blushed but as happy he was for that, he felt guilty. He would never want to make Isa's life harder.

"Isa, lo siento. I never meant to come between you and peter."

Isa could hear the sincerity in his voice.

"No, Miguel, you didn't get in the middle of anything. He's dumb enough for not saying anything before I told him about you."

Miguel sighed,

"I'm sorry this happened to you, Isa. You don't deserve this confusion."

She sniffled,

"It sucks... but there's nothing to be confused about... I know how I feel... about you.."

He could hear her smile as she said that. He reciprocated.

"I know how I feel about you too, Isa"

There's a small pause. 

Both of them are taking in what they just confessed to each other.

"Sorry, I totally didn't mean to bother you at 10 PM with my problems it's just–"

Before she could finish, Miguel reassured her she had nothing to worry about.

"Isa. You'll never bother me. I'm here for you."

"Thanks Miguel, no se what I'd do without you."

"You'd still do amazing, but I'm glad I'm next to you when you do it..."

"You're too much, Miguel."

She giggled.

"Anytime Isa."

"Anyways, I'll let you sleep. I feel a lot better thanks to you."

"Isa, I'll always be here for you. And if I could make you feel one thing I hope it's 'better.'"

"And you are... I really like you, Miguel..."

"I really like you too, Isa"

He loved her, but he couldn't tell her that. At least not yet.

"Good night, Miguel. I'll see you in the morning."

"I can't wait. Good night, Isa."

[Hang up]

After the call ended, Miguel entered his universe.

Once entering he was met with an interrogation from Lyla.

"Miguel?! Where have you been?"

This immediately put Miguel in a bad mood.

He didn't need this after his call with Isa.

"Thanks Lyla, my day was good."

He walked right past her hologram, turning off his suit to reveal his casual clothes.

"Not funny Miguel. Seriously... where have you been?"

With one hand on her hip, Lyla asked.

Rolling his eyes, Miguel says,

"Not here, clearly."

He hasn't told Lyla where he goes or who he sees. Miguel wasn't planning on telling her about EARTH-222 or Isa. To Miguel, she couldn't know or at least she shouldn't.

She appeared in front of him, stopping him in his tracks.

She asked,

"Miguel, what if something happened?"

She sounded concerned.

Miguel didn't like to think about this. It was just a reminder of the weight on his shoulders.

He looks off to the side, annoyed.

"You would have told me, right? Because it's the entire reason for your existence."


He cut her off, he wasn't interested in anything she had to say.

He was fed up. He began walking again, going past her again.

"We have thousands and thousands of spider people here, a couple of them could have gone. I don't need to be locked up here 24/7."

She returned the same energy.

"So where do you go?"

Miguel hated her sass. He had no plans of continuing this conversation.

"It's none of your business, Lyla. Don't forget you are my AI. You answer to me. I will never answer to you. Don't forget to prepare my rapture for the morning."

Before Lyla could say anything, Miguel entered his room.

He slammed the door behind him.

As soon as he was alone, he began to think to himself.

Who does she think she is? I entertain her humor and now she thinks she can ask me anything.

I hate being locked in here. I don't want to be Spider-Man all the time. I can't be. And I don't see why I have to be when I have thousands of spider people to deal with threats.

I'm the leader and I don't have to answer to anyone.

Miguel feels a notification come from his phone.

It's from Isa.

[Thank you for the call. It meant the world to me <3]

After seeing that, Miguel calmed down.

Gabriella used to be the only person that could do that to him.

He continued to calm himself, he took deep breaths.

A deep breath in.

Miguel, today was a good day.

A deep breath out.

It was an amazing day.


Spider-man calmed down.


You have a date with Isa.


She really likes you.

Now hold it.

Today was a great day.


Tomorrow will be good.


A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope y'all enjoyed this part! I just wanted to do this little surprise drop for y'all since I am almost at 500 reads! 


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