°•♤•° Chapter Fifteen °•♤•°

316 18 3

        °•☆•° Word Count: 1,639 °•☆•°
     °•♡•° Time to Read: 11 mins °•♡•°


Minho sprinted down the aisle and took a right. He realized he was in view of the shopkeeper and immediately slowed down. He smiled and awkwardly speed-walked past her. He checked the aisle markers, looking for any indication of where the minced garlic and chili paste were. He finally found one labeled 'Canned Goods and Spices' and ran to it. 

He quickly located what he needed and headed in the direction of the aisle he left Jisung at. He beamed at the idea of beating Han, but his happiness was quickly shattered by Jisung standing in the exact same spot he left him, holding rice and fish cakes.

Han leaned on one hip and crossed his arms teasingly. "Someone lost."

Minho pursed his lips. "Yeah, I can see that," he said in a fake sarcastic tone.

Han giggled. "Since I won, you're paying for dinner," he said matter-of-factly. He sashayed past Minho with a look of triumph on his face. Minho shook his head at him and smiled. "I was going to pay either way," he whispered.


"Okay, time to get cookin'!" Minho spoke confidently.

Han skipped up beside him and pulled the recipe up on his phone. "Hmm, okay, we need to start by cutting up the bacon and cooking it."

[A/n: I literally had to Google how to make tteokbbokki bc I'm too white lol]

Minho rested his hand over his mouth as he thought. "Do you know how to use a knife?"

"Yeah, I know the basics," Han responded.

"Okay, how about you cut things up and I cook them to make it go by faster?" Minho offered.

Han nodded. "Sounds good." 

They set to work cutting up the bacon and fish cakes, then adding them to the pan on the stove. The bacon sizzled and popped in the oil, causing Minho to flinch occasionally. 

After a few minutes, he added the dashi, milk, and cream to the pan and stirred it. Then he added chili powder, chili paste, and sugar to finish off the ingredients. He made sure to go easy on the spices, knowing Han wouldn't like it too hot.

Han peaked over Minho's shoulder. "That smells wonderful," he commented. Minho smiled at the compliment.

"And you said I couldn't cook," Minho said snarkily.

Han rolled his eyes. "The last time you cooked, my house smelled like smoke," he sassed.

"Well, I won't get distracted by a handsome boy this time," he teased, looking up at Han with mischievious eyes.

Han playfully slapped Minho's arm and went back to cleaning up the mess they had made, picking up trash and throwing dishes in the sink. As he washed dishes, he would occasionally peek over at Minho to watch him work. Minho had taken off his school jacket and tie, leaving him in a white button-down with the top few buttons undone. He had his sleeves rolled up, which made it easy to see his arms flex every time he would lift the pan on the stove.

God, he's so hot, Han thought to himself.

"The tteokbbokki is done," Minho announced without looking up. 

Han dried off his hands and padded over to him. He closed his eyes as the savory smell of the food hit him. His eyes grew wide as his stomach gurgled.

Minho looked up at him and chuckled. "It looks like I finished just in time."

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