°•♤•° Chapter Twenty-One °•♤•°

303 19 4

        °•☆•° Word Count: 2,653 °•☆•°
     °•♡•° Time to Read: 15 mins °•♡•°


The next few weeks flew by as everyone was preparing for the end of semester exams. Students had spent countless all-nighters studying the hours away with hope that they would at the very least pass their classes. Jisung was not left out of this trend.

Han groggily picked his head up off his desk as his morning alarm bounced around the walls of his room. He reached out for his phone, following the annoying chime that it let out. Eventually, he managed to hit the 'Off' button with a loud sigh. He let his head drop to his desk again, still not fully awake.

After what felt like a minute or two, he sighed and shifted his head to where it was still resting against the desk, but he could now see his phone. He lifted a heavy arm and tapped on the screen to check the time. His eyes grew wide as he realized it had been twenty minutes, not two.

"Shit," he cursed loudly.

Jisung burst up from his chair and wiped the sleep from his eyes as he ran to his closet. He quickly slipped on his uniform and hopped around on one foot as he struggled to put on his socks. He grabbed his school bag and flew down the stairs and down the hallway, heading straight for the kitchen. He rummaged through his pantry and pulled out a bag of bread before slamming two pieces into the toaster and turning the dial.

He then ran to grab his shoes while he waited for his breakfast to finish up. He made it back to the kitchen before his food had finished cooking, so he stood there anxiously tapping his finger against his crossed arm as he waited.

The doorbell rang, causing him to flinch instinctively. "Damn it," he said to himself.

"One minute!" He called out to the door.

His toast finally popped up, and he practically grabbed them mid-air before rushing to the door. He opened it, revealing Minho in black sweatpants and a black puffy jacket holding two wrapped objects in his hands.

"Hey, Ji. I had a feeling you would accidentally sleep in since you pulled an all-nighter, so I grabbed you some breakfast," Minho said sweetly.

Han huffed as he tried to catch his breath from running around. "I- how did you - you know what, never mind," Jisung said as he pulled the door shut behind him and locked it. "Thank you, Minho, you know me so well," he said with a smile, "Now let's go, we're gonna be late for our exams."

He started to pull Minho's arm while running, but Minho stopped him. "I don't have any exams today," Minho stated.

Jisung whipped his head around at him. "What? Then why are you here," he asked.

"Just to see you and make sure you're fed," Minho shrugged.

He stepped towards Jisung and pulled him towards him by his waist. He placed a quick peck on his lips and then smirked. "Good luck on your exams, jagi ," he cooed.

He let Han go and started to walk in the opposite direction of the school, leaving Jisung a flustered mess.

Han quickly recovered as he remembered he was running late and began to run to school, eating his breakfast along the way.

He reached the school gate and shot past it and straight into the building. He rushed to his testing site on the second floor, skipping steps as he went upstairs.

He swung into his classroom and swiftly took a spot near Seungmin in the back. Moments later, the bell rang, showing just how close he was to being late.

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