(Chapter 6) Americano

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I rolled my eyes right after reading Jun's message, I swear everything's a game to him. Even class projects, does he take anything serious?! I kept thinking in my head.

You seem like you have a lot on your mind, does it have to do with the project or Jun? Hyun asked.

Oh um...I guess I'm just a little homesick, I said.

Which wasn't a complete lie.

Understandable, Hyun said as he laid his hand on my arm to comfort me.

If there is anything I can do just let me know. Hyun stated.

As we look at each other I was getting mixed signals from him. His eyes make it seem like he wants to say more but his mouth is shut.

Thank you for everything, you're such an amazing person. I replied.

*6 Hours Later*

It was time to meet Jun at the bus stop but I was nervous. It just hit me that I would be leaving campus in a foreign campus with a guy I've had nothing but issues with. Probably not the best idea, especially since I practically omitted the truth from Hyun earlier.

My hands were shaking a bit as I packed my stuff up in the library. I began making my way to the bus stop.

Just got to the bus stop, see you soon. Jun said through text.

On my way, I replied.

Jun then liked my message.

*10 Minutes Later*

There you are, the bus will be here any minute. Jun said to me.

It was kind of awkward between us, I was expecting him to say something negative but he instead remained silent. I could sense he felt the awkwardness as well, luckily for us the bus came shortly after. I waited for Jun to step on the bus first since he was closer to the door.

Hae go first, Jun said as he placed his arm on my back.

I look at him with confusion as I proceeded to walk in front of him.

As we got on the bus and sat in our seats I could feel a bunch of eyes on me from the people previously on the bus, which made me feel a little uneasy. I guess Jun noticed this and placed his hand on top of mine, which surprisingly eased it. Usually when Jun plays his games I tend to feel his desire for me as well as the rush of lust. But this time was different, I felt...safe. Which is odd considering I'm practically holding hands with my bully.

Have you been off campus yet? Jun Asked.

No not really, besides to the grocery store and restaurants right outside off campus. I replied.

Really? We're already two almost three months into the semester and you haven't done anything in Seoul? Jun asked, seemingly shocked.

Yeah..I said not sure how to respond.

Why's that? Jun continued to ask.

I don't know, for one I'm an introvert and two I'm scared I guess. I said.

So why did you agree to meeting at the cafe? Jun asked.

It's for the project and to start getting myself out of my comfort zone. I replied.

Or is it because you wanted to spend more time with me alone Hae? Jun asked while chuckling.

You know what Jun let me ask you this, why do you insist on calling me hae when I've corrected you several times? I asked sternly 

You'll find out soon enough..Jun replied while turning his attention out the window.

I will find out...? What the hell does that mean? I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes.

I didn't know you were this feisty Hae, I clearly still have a lot to learn about you. Jun said while putting an AirPods in one of my ears.

Uh..I said.

Just shut up and listen, Jun said before I could finish.

My brain wanted to say "Who the fuck are you talking to?" but my body was very much saying "Yes Daddy".

His music taste actually wasn't what I expected for some reason, he seems to like a lot of r&b. There was a lot of Brent Faiyaz, Chris Brown, and some Korean r&b artist I've never heard of before. I actually really enjoyed his playlist, but I'll never tell him that.

*15 Minutes Later*

We finally arrived to the cafe. I was shocked, the cafe's in Seoul were nothing like I was used to in America. The esthetic was unreal, it was like a mini oasis with tuns of greenery, rocks, trees, and little streams.

Oh my god this is cafe is literally everything! I said excitedly.

You're face just lit up like a child lol. Jun said.

Well I'm sorry I'm not used to this, we don't have cafe's like this in America. I replied, while sitting down at our table.

You don't have to apologize I get it. Jun said.

You know Hae, you're so cute when you smile. You should smile more often. Jun said under his breath a little bit.

Things kinda were a bit awkward afterwards, it's a constant game and mind tricks with him. So I can't take anything he says seriously but for some reason he's making me blush. A few minutes later the waiter came over but I couldn't really understand because she was speaking Korean with Jun.

Hey, what can I get for you guys? The waiter said in Korean.

What do you want? Jun asked me.

Can I just get an Iced Caramel Flat White. I replied.

Jun then turned to the waiter and replied in Korean. He wants a Iced Caramel Flat White.

Alright and for you sir? She replied.

I'll take my coffee like the person that belongs to me, an Iced Americano please. He replied.

I see..well I will get those out for you two. She replied, then left.

Did you order an Americano? I asked Jun.

Yes, He responded.

Ew what's wrong with you? I asked.

Don't know, just like the strong taste, plus I got an American in front of me anyway. Jun said while chuckling.

Whatever, I responded while chuckling a little bit while rolling my eyes.

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