(Chapter 12) Boy Please

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His mom??!! Why would he drag me to Busan to meet his mother already? I thought to myself.

Jun and I have gotten a lot closer since we met but we've only known each other for three months now and were not even officially together...I thought to myself.

Oh hi mam, I said to her as I slightly bowed to show respect.

She looked at Jun as they both chuckled.

It's okay, this is a relaxed environment no need to do all of that. I know you're used to ways in America so just call me Ms. Kim to make it easier. She said as she smiled.

Will do, I said slightly embarrassed.

We'll come on in! She said.

We went into her beautifully clean house, I walked past some pictures on a table of Ms. Kim, a much younger Jun, an older man, and a tiny girl. I wondered who the girl was because Jun never mentioned having a sister or having a father, but to be honest he didn't even mention his mom to me. I always sensed Jun to be very private when it comes to things like his family or his past so we never really talked about those things before. I'm kind of the same way, my family situation hasn't been the best in the past few years. I've always sensed since we first met that Jun had something going on behind the service. It always seemed to show at random times, like when he was staring at me while Eun and Dae were arguing way back or when he held or hugged me. I can't put my finger on it but maybe this trip would give me a chance to find out. I glanced as I walked past but didn't bring it up since I just walked into their home, I didn't want to pry or be in their business.

So how was the trip here? Kai I take it it's your first time coming to Busan? Ms.Kim asked.

I was surprised how short of a trip it was, I was expecting it to be several hours but we were here in no time. I replied.

A lot of foreigners seem to think so, Ms. Kim said while chuckling.

I was surprised when Jun called way back in January saying he met a foreigner he was interested in getting to know. She stated.

Back in January? I asked, seemingly confused.

Yeah, Jun replied.

So you knew this whole time you wanted to get to know me? I asked.

Since the first time I saw you, Jun replied.

Really, since the first day of class? I asked.

Since the first day I saw you, Jun replied, slightly vaguely.

I rolled my eyes at him in my mind and moved on.

You both seem so close, I said.

We are, I tell her everything! He said as he glanced at both of us.

It makes me very happy as a parent to have a close relationship with my kid, She also replied.

Aw, I love that, it's so rare, I said.

It is, which is unfortunate because it shouldn't be. She replied.

Well, I'll let you guys get settled while I make dinner. She said and smiled as she got up.

Jun took both of our bags and then led me to the room.

I hope you don't mind sharing a bed, Jun asked.

Jun...Let's be so for real, do you think I mind? I asked while side-eyeing him jokingly.

No, I guess not, Jun replied as he laughed.

It still shocking to me how many Koreans I've met with such good English, even your mom speaks so well.

Of course, not every Korean is like that but she studied English in college and has worked abroad before in many English-speaking countries. Jun replied.

Well I should tell her I appreciate her speaking in English with/around me, I expressed

I'm sure she would appreciate that, she strives to always make her guests as comfortable as possible. Jun replied.

Well, I already feel the love and I'm about to get an authentic home-cooked Korean meal, I'm on cloud nine. I said excitedly.

I'm on cloud nine just behind able to hold you every night while we're here, Jun replied.

I began blushing.

Boy please, I said as I brushed it off touched.

*Two Hours Later*

After having a delicious meal with his mom Jun took me to the waterside with him, we both sat on the sand and began talking.

Oh my god, it's so beautiful out here. I said enjoying the view.

I remember you telling me once you like the night vibe and also the beach so I thought I'd combine them for you. Jun replied.

Do you remember that? That's so sweet! I said.

I remember important things and you are important to me, Jun replied as he looked deep into my eyes.

Do you always have to do that..? I said softly as I covered my face.

He removed my hand from over my face as he got closer.

Yes, he replied softly as he leaned in to kiss me.

I melted into his embrace as he placed his hands on my back.

When we finally pulled away we were both left breathless.

That was amazing, I said softly.

It was, I love how shy you get when I'm close to you. Jun replied as he placed a kiss on my neck.

Damn....I said trying to keep it together.

Alright, I'll stop for now, Jun said as he chuckled.

We both then turned to look out into the ocean.

Do you mind if I ask you a question? I asked.

Shoot, he replied.

I saw a picture by the TV of you, your mom, an older guy, and a little girl. Who are they? I asked timidly.

Jun pauses before he replies.

My dad and sister, he said.

Oh, I didn't know you had a sister or a father, I asked.

Yeah...well I did, Jun said seemingly fairly down.

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