(Chapter 20) [Finale] Struggle Love

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*A Year and Three Months Later*


Finally, damn bitch! Our food already came, I said jokingly to Chloe as she walked towards our table.

Girl....not too much on me you I got lost on the subway, She replied as she got seated.

You didn't follow the directions I gave you? I asked.

I tried chile but I'm still adjusting to city life, She replied.

I mean makes sense considering you're from the boonies, Mateo said.

What do you both not understand about not too much on me and for you're information Mateo Houston isn't the boonies. Thank you very much. Chloe replied in a sassy way.

Uh....outskirts, outskirts of Houston. Mateo replied.

I started chuckling struggling to hold in my laughter.

Okay and not all of us can be from Venezuela, Chloe said as she jokingly rolled her eyes.

Okay okay enough, let's eat I'm hungry, I said to break them up.

*An Hour Later*

Man that hit the spot, Mateo said as he sat back.

Right! I replied as we all began gathering our things.

It was nice to see you all again, Are we still doing the escape room next week? Chloe asked.

Of course! Mateo and I replied.

Period, this time please don't use up our hints earlier. She added.

Girl....anyways I've got to go, I replied jokingly.

Alright, I'll see you all next week, I said as we all hugged each other.

See you next week, Mateo and Chloe replied.

You're probably what has happened since my time in Seoul last year. After I came back home I finally met up with Mia and saw her for the first time since I had left. After that semester I had just my senior semester left before I could graduate. My situation with my dad is surprisingly better, we didn't speak much when I was in Seoul and it weirdly worked for us. It gave us space from each other and specifically for him it probably helped him heal a little more since he had to sit with himself for months. When I came back he was almost a changed man, I could see he was trying and was more receptive towards me. Nowadays we still keep in contact and are working towards what it was like before my mom passed.

After I got back from Seoul last year I immediately applied for my permanent residency visa. I already knew the process would be long but I figured I should start it so that by the time I graduate I can make the move there. Looking back I'm grateful I didn't go through with my initial study-abroad choice.

As for Jun and I, we're stronger than ever. We kept in touch the whole time we were apart. We stayed on Facetime with each other every second we could. I was initially nervous about us going long distances because from what I've seen it has never worked but with Jun and I we made it work. He even came and visited during the summer after I left Korea to see me and meet Mia. It's safe to say she's much more fond of him now that she can see him for herself and see how serious he is with me.

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