(Chapter 11) Potato Chips

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I was in shock, it seemed like someone had been following Jun and I since the day we met at the nature cafe. Capturing all the "questionable" moments. There was one of him putting his jacket on me, one of us hugging outside my dorm, etc. It felt so disturbing, some many things have happened to me since I arrived and things just keep getting weirder. Now I have to worry about being followed, I don't understand why someone would even do this. I haven't done anything to anyone and tried to mind my own business, yet people seem to be bothered by my simple presence.

Who would do something like this? Hyun asked.

and why? Eun said.

To be honest I don't know, pretty much every girl at this university wants to be with Jun. I said.

Well, hopefully, it will blow over. Hyun said.

Do you think so? I asked.

Maybe..? I mean it's less you and more of the fact that it's Jun, Eun said.

You're right, he did leave before me. I should probably see if he's okay. I said.

Hey, are you okay? I said in a text sent to Jun.

Meet me at your dorm in thirty minutes. Jun replied.

What about class? I asked.

I explain everything later, just come. Jun replied.

He asked me to meet him back at my dorm, I said to Eun and Hyun.

Well go, Eun said.

Huh? Eun, what's wrong with you? You...are telling me...to purposely skip class..? I asked surprised.

Yes go, Eun said.

Okay okay, I'll see you guys later. Bye, I replied.

Bye, Hyun and Eun both said.

Be safe, Hyun also said.

So I gather my stuff and began making my way back to my dorm.

*30 Minutes Later*

I was approaching the door to my dorm when I saw Jun standing outside of it.

Hey, I said as I approached him.

Hey, Jun said as he enclosed me in a hug.

Are you okay? We both said in unison.

We both then chuckled.

No are you okay? I've been out, but you, you've been outed sir. I said.

I don't care, Jun said as he locked eyes with me.

You're the only thing that I care about. Jun said.

We embraced each other again before heading inside my dorm.

So what did you want to talk about? I asked Jun as we sat down.

Pack a bag I'm taking you to Busan for a couple of days, Jun said.

I chuckled a little bit.

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