(Chapter 13) Sea, Ocean, & Water

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You did..? I hesitantly asked.

Jun took a long pause before turning to me.

My sister's dead. He said coldly.

I was shocked on the inside because I didn't expect that but tried to remain as unfazed as possible on the outside.

Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't even realize. We can change the subject if you want. I said.

No, I want to open up to you, that was half the reason I brought you here. So we can focus on us without the distractions of pressures from others and deepen our connection. Jun said.

I'm just- I'm so fucking tired of running. I've been running from the guilt I have, my feelings for you, confronting my father, and standing for my morals. That ends today, Jun said sternly.

Okay no pressure, you talk, I'll listen. I replied.

Deal. Jun faintly smiled at me.

I reached to hold his hand as he began telling me.

So I had a younger sister, she was the same age as you. She was practically my best friend, we practically did everything together. We both loved to water and would be at the beach any moment we could spare. When I was in high school one weekend we decided to go surfing together and we had practically been surfing all day. I remember watching her go out into the water first, I soon followed her in but I remember seeing a very big wave. She always looking for bigger and bigger waves to surf, and I remember seeing her riding the board and then the wave snatched her into the depths of the water. I instantly ran into the water to make sure she was okay. Jun said as he paused afterward.

I then squeezed his hand a little and nodded, encouraging him to keep going.

It felt like it took me forever to find her, but when I finally did, brought her to shore, and an ambulance arrived. She still wasn't responding to me. They rushed her to the hospital and I remember being there literally all night just to be told she didn't make it. Jun said as he started to get a little emotional.

It's okay, thank you for being venerable and sharing that with me. I said as I brought Jun into an embrace holding him.

He started to tear up a little bit as he held me with a tight grip.

I'm sorry.......I'm sorry, He murmured.

Jun, it's not your fault, there's absolutely nothing you could've done differently. You even risked yourself to go after your sister, that's heroic. I said trying to assure him.

Thank you, Jun said as he sat back up teary-eyed.

Fuck this is embarrassing, Jun said chuckling

I think it's beautiful, Yeah you're fine as hell but this shows something that is so much more attractive to me than looks. Substance. I said as I looked deeply into his eyes and wiped the few tears on his face.

You know you remind me a lot of her, Jun stated.

Me? Really? I asked shocked.

Yeah, you're both very caring, shy but bold at times, very observant, and most importantly you both have genuine good hearts. That's very rare nowadays, despite everything you went through you've been so forgiving. I love that about you, it doesn't matter what someone or the world throws at you, you never hold hatred and negativity in your heart. Jun stated.

I started blushing in flattery.

you're my Sun, Jun said as he looked me deep in my eyes.

I was stuck in a bottomless dark hole of depression and negativity and you brought the light back into my life. Jun also said as he cupped my cheek with his hand.

That's what Hae means, that's why you're forever my Hae. Jun said.

Damn, he knows how to make my heart beat fast as fuck.

You finally told me why you called me Hae, I said as I chuckled while teary-eyed.

My sister's name was Soo, meaning water, do you know what Kai means? Jun asked.

I shook my head no.

Sea or Ocean, Jun replied.

That's why it felt like fate even before we got closer, your name in connection with what happened and my sister. I gave you the name Hae because ever since the accident I have been looking for the right path to the light. I know it's fate because it led me straight to you. Jun said while smiling teary-eyed.

I didn't even know this, Jun you kept this to yourself this whole time? I asked.

Yeah, I had to secure the bag first. He said.

So when did you even look up my name? I asked still a little shocked.

The day Dae poured raymeon on your head in the cafeteria, Jun replied.

Really, but why though? I asked.

I don't know I just remember having this feeling or urge to see what it meant, Jun replied.

Interesting, I replied.

Do you remember when we were talking with my mom about how I told her about you when we first met? Jun asked.

Yeah...? I replied.

Well, I remember seeing you before the first day of class. Jun said.

Really? I asked shocked.

Yeah the first time I saw you was actually in front of your dorm building the night before school started. I was kind of walking around the dorm area of campus to clear my head and I remember seeing you walk with all your stuff towards your dorm building. I was gonna see if you needed to but decided not to especially since you're a foreigner, I thought you'd feel weird having a random guy come up to you in the middle of the night. Jun replied.

Oh my god Jun, I can't believe you also didn't tell me this. I don't be noticing anything, I must be a dumb bitch or something. I said as I chuckled.

I felt like it was a little creepy for me to mention it to you during our first few interactions. I didn't want to come off like a stalker or something. Jun replied.

Well, thank you for telling me. I replied.

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