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I jump up from my bed and look around and realise I am in my bedroom. Oh thank god! That was a terrifying day and it was about what seven years ago? I open the secret compartment in my drawere and put on the medallion that I had taken from Will. I hid it under my dress quickly. I got out of bed and hurried to Elizabeth's room. I didn't even bother to knock i just entered. She screams.

"Shhh! You are loud woman!" I say hushing her

"What are you doing in my room?" She asks still in a loud voice

"Shhh! I had a dream about the day we met Will." I say

She gives me a confused look. I raise an eyebrow.

"No it is nothing it's just that I did too." She says

"You did too?" I ask

"Yes." She says

Well that is odd.

Suddenly a booming knock on the door is heard.

"Elizabeth? Is everything all right? Are you decent? I can't seem to find your sister Aubrey in your room."
Father's voice says

"Yes!" Elizabeth says rushing to get her robe and opening the door

Why on earth did I leave my robe in my bedroom. I had to improvise and use Elizabeth's thin blanked to cover my body.

Father entered the room and I give an awkward smile.

"Ah, Aubrey, here you are."

I chuckle like I have no idea who he is and he gave me an compliment. Have you ever experienced that feeling? He looks at the bed sheet im holding and gives an confused look before clearing out his throat. He held two baskets which were covered with silk so we don't see what's inside it.

"I have gifts for the both you." Father said and gave us the baskets

Inside it was a beautiful dress. I am supposing it's for an event today.

"May we inquire as to the occasion?" Elizabeth asks

"Is an occasion necessary for a father to dote upon his daughter
with gifts?" Father asks

I take the dress smiling.

"May I go to my room to change father?" I ask excusing myself

Father nodds and I run of. I go behind my dressing board as servants follow to help me. Elizabeth has experienced with corsets and well you see ... I don't so it's going to be quite hard not to feel suffocated. I can't stand anything near me too tightly.

"Your father is hoping you would wear this dress to Commodore Norrington's ceremony today." The servant says

"Why, yes I know." I say smiling

Not a bad man Norrington was. We were quite close actually. But I don't want a rich man and to be a lady. I want to go explore the world and to be free and fall in love with a man as wild as I am. But he is quite handsome though- what on earth ... I think i hit my head somewhere I'm most definitely not in my right mind. I out of no where let out a gasp.

"Are you alright, miss?" The servant ask

"Yes, I'm fine." I say

She clearly has no experience tightening a corset because I can't breathe! This is torture!

She clearly has no experience tightening a corset because I can't breathe! This is torture!

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