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I get up from the bed and realise I am in the governor's house again. AGAIN! I get up and wipe away the hair on my face.

"If anyone thinks I'm staying here they are stupid, I tell you, stupid!" I say to myself

"Miss Swann?" I hear Norrington's voice call out to me

"Don't call me that!" I say angrily

He sighs.

"I'm sorry." He says quietly

"You are sorry?" I ask with my eyebrows raised

"We didn't mean to hurt you in this way-" he starts

"Hurt me? Of course this would hurt me! You killed my family!"
I accused

I turn to face him. He looked upset but I couldn't care any less if he  took everything away from me starting with happiness. Suddenly I was pulled into a kiss and I couldn't help but kiss him back but I quickly pull away.

"We can't be doing this." I say

He gives me a confused look. "Why?"

"Because I have someone else in mind and you without a doubt aren't able to choose between me and the governor's  daughter."

His face changes slightly and wears a guilty look.

"Even if that another killed your father?" He asks

"Well, there could be a change he's no dead. I mean, Gibbs did say he would call someone. And I'm hoping to let Jack explain." I say

He nodds.

"But he is too be hung by the neck..." James says

I grin and shake my head. A hand touches my shoulder and u turn to see Will. He wore a panicked look. James looked at me, shocked. I expected him to try and change my mind but he just smiled and nodded.

"Your father stole Jack's ship, did you know?" Will says

I nodd.

"That sounds like my father alright." They laugh

"Hold on why on earth are you two making friends with each other?" I ask completely confused

The two look at each other.

"I know for a fact you with hate each other again in seconds but anyways let's go."

I grabbed Will arm and dragged him away as he whined and groan about me almost pulling his hand of and holding it to hard.

I grabbed Will arm and dragged him away as he whined and groan about me almost pulling his hand of and holding it to hard

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"Do you think he will have an explanation?" Will asks

I pull him behind a pillar.

"Honestly I'm counting on Gibbs." I say truthfully

"For why?" He asks me

"He said he'd get someone well trusted or something." I say

He laughed.

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