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Jack's compass, cradled in both hands. Jack leans over and studies it. On the compass the face shows old-fashioned rose petal style direction markers below a quivering indicator that settles on southeast.

"Bare three points starboard."

AnaMaria repeats the order to me and I turn the wheel, adjusting course. The ship leans into the new direction. Jack looks down at his compass.

"Six points port!

AnaMaria and I frowns but I follow the order and turn the wheel
back, and the ship responds. Will works on deck, coiling a rope but he watches us, clearly not happy. Gibbs hobbles up and invites me to going after a few sentences.

"You!" I call to AnaMaria

She looks at me and walks towards me

"At the helm." I say

She gives my an annoyed but I ignore it and walk away.

"How do we expect to find an island no one can find with a compass that doesn't work?" I question

"Now, lass, just because it don't point north don't mean it don't
work.That compass gives bearings to the Isla de Muerta, wherever it may lay." Gibbs explains

"What if I told you I knew the way myself." I raise an eyebrow

"Your father. Jack and he got history..." Gibbs say with a low voice

I give an confused look continue my questions about Jack.

"What's the story on the pistol?"

Gibbs settles in, happy to have a willing listener.

"Now, Jack Sparrow has an honest streak in him, and that's where the whole problem starts. This was when he was Captain of the Black Pearl." Gibbs starts

"He's learned, then. Plays things more close to the vest. See,
Jack was a cartographer, back in Old England. Somehow he came by the money to commission the Pearl. Hired himself a crew, promised each man an equal share."

"So, they're forty days out, and the First Mate says, everything's an equal share, that should mean the location of the island, too. So
Jack gave up the bearings. That night, there was a mutiny."
He explains

Gibbs' voice is a whisper, now, so we have to lean in closer.

"Jack gave hisself up for the sake of his loyal crew. He was marooned on an island, left there to die."

"How did he get off the island?"

"Sea turtles! A pair of them strapped to his back." Gibbs says

"What did he use as a rope?" Will asks

"Human hair. From my back." Jack suddenly says

I jump up in surprise. He turn and smirks at me

"Scared you, love?" He asks

"Not at all." I lie with a smirk

"Land Ho! Land Ho! Land Ho! Land Ho!" Cotton's parrot squwaks

Indeedly the parrot was right, the faint outline of Isla de Muerta is in the distance on the port side. I stand up, excitement washing over me as I jump onto the rigging for a better look.But AnaMaria, at the helm, stares at Cotton, and the parrot.

"They'll be anchored on the side. Haul your wind, and keep to
the weather of the island." Jack commands the crew

" Jack commands the crew

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