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Jack sits on a chair in his office, shirtless as I wet a towel with water in a bowl. I crouch beside him and I lightly press the towel onto the large cut across his chest.

"Why did you fight against him?"

He stares at me. I look up at him.

"He had a sword pointed to me, love. Did you expect me to let him kill me?" He asks

"Of course not, but I could handle him myself."

He stares at me and shakes his head. People can be awful sometimes." He says

I give him a confused look.

"You were born a pirate. The navy seems to hate you and are always wanting to kill you. Of course." I mumbled to myself

"I used to work for Lord Cutler Beckett."

I frown.

"The East Coast Trading Company. They tortured, hung, shot, stabbed. One day I refused to let him kill anyone, I took the ship which back then was known as 'The Wicked Wench' and sailed away. That ship is now in the hands of the pirate Barbossa."
He explains

I open my mouth agape in realisation.

"The Black Pearl." I say

He nodds.

"I probably shouldn't upset you." He says with a disappointed look

"Why would I be upset? You escaped Beckett didn't you?" I ask


He pauses for a moment. I stare in confusion and continue to soak the towel in water and press it against the cut.

"What did AnaMaria mean when she said they lie to me?" I ask

"How do you know the way to Tortuga?" He asks back

I stop what I was doing straight away and look at him again. I then carried on what I was doing and looked away but he stopped my hand and with a finger he made me look at him.

"I- I don't- I don't know ... I just remember someone holding a- a map a- and red ink traced the passage towards Tortuga. The map showed Port Royal as the destination we were in."

Jack frowned.

"You do know the English navy have no idea of Tortuga." He said

I nodded.

"I never told them anything though."

He nodded.

"Do you remember anything else?" He asked curiously


Rain falls at tremendous speed and lightning strikes.

"Captain!" A man shouted

"The navy..."

The navy men climbed aboard the ship and chaos erupted. Swords clanged against one another and guns fires aimlessly. Some men blew cannons at the ship with the British flag and the British fired back. Wood flew about the deck and blood was splattered everywhere. Tears sting my eyes. I ran and searched the deck full of chaos for my mother.

"Mam!" I cry

"Mother!" I shout

I see a woman with dark auburn hair. Mother! Suddenly my a loud shot is heard.

"Margaret!" A man shouts

The woman falls to the ground. I scream. My sister, Carina, approaches me.

"Mother!" She cries

My tears fall onto the hard, wooden deck. At some point I felt as if my tears felt harder and faster than the rain. Carina sat next to me. We hugged each other tightly and weeped for the loss of our mother. Our father came and sat behind us. We made way for him so he could see mother.

"Margaret..." Father said

He turned to look at us. I couldn't see his face because of how teary my eyes were. I looked at mother. I couldn't see her clearly either. All I could see was a blur of her body and blood on her stomach that seeped through her dress.

"My treasures." Father said and hugged us

Suddenly me and Carina were swept of my feet my navy men. I cried for my father and tried to push the man away but it was no use. A man commanded for the man holding me to take me to the governor.

"What about my sister!" I cried

The man ordered for her to become a housemaid.

"We are only 5! Please! Let us go back to our father!" I shout


"That is a memory I forced myself to forget when the governor took me as his child ... but I knew one day it would haunt me."
I admitted

Tears fell from my eyes carelessly. I took another chair and sat on it.

"I am sorry you had to experience that..." Jack said

I looked at him. What is this I am feeling? Pain? Confusion? Paranoia? Fear? And there was one more I didn't dare ask myself.

I couldn't tell if he or I were the one getting closer but in moment I felt his breath on me and then we kisses. It was long and passionate. Love is not something I felt often and at that moment I realised that what I felt for Norrington wasn't love. Perhaps we were better as friends because. Perhaps feeling in love was worth it if it is Jack I loved.

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