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I ran into a man and immediately fell backwards. I rushed to my feet.

"Aubrey! Your father was worried about you!"
Norrington says with a wide smile on his face

I finally looked forwards and saw the Dauntless and on it was the governor and Elizabeth. She quickly hugged me and pulled me onto the ship. She hugged me again and giggled out of happiness like a child.

"Aubrey! What are you doing in another man's clothes, especially a pirates." The governor says

I stare at him.

"You lied to me, everything I have ever know, is a lie!" I shout walking away

"Were are you going?" The governor says

"You all are liars! Why would I want to be near any of you?"
I shout

"Aubrey-!" the governor starts to scold but I interrupt

"Don't call me that!" I shout walking towards him

"Aubrey?" Elizabeth whispers in shock

I turn to her angrily but then soften my gaze at her. She doesn't know anything about this and it's not her fault.

"Miss Swann-" Norrington walks towards me

"No, don't call me Miss Swann! Because after what I have learnt, I don't belong near any of you! You all should've let me be homeless with my sister!" I shout

Everyone stares at me. Norrington's men start to sail away as soon as they see me try get of the ship.

"Norrington if you don't stop the ship I will swim away!" I say

Actually I can't swim and it doesn't help that the ship has no more dighys.

"What are you talking about?" The governor approaches me

"Sixteen years ago, when I was only five, you attacked my father's ship and had killed my mother! You had taken me for your own as a daughter and my sister Carina was sent away to me a maid and to be homeless!" I exclaimed

"We were fine before you had to enter our lives suddenly! We learnt about the stars and what different shapes the stares made ment. We learnt to repair watches and clocks, we fought with swords, we used bows and arrows to get our food when we ran low on food supplies. We were fine!" I continue to exclaim

"And then you took us away from each other! And I here had to live my entire life a lie!" I shout as tears fall down from my face

I didn't care if I cried at this point. All I cared about was getting away from everyone here.

"And now as soon as I found out who my real father is ... he dies right before my eyes!" I says pointing to the cave

"Everything I learnt today, the curse, I being part of the curse somehow, Sparrow being part of the curse, the curse being broken and my father died ... I don't even know who to blame it on! Jack shot my father, Will broke the curse and you that have taken me away in the first place!"

"What do you mean?" Elizabeth asks cluelessly

My gaze softens again as I turn to Elizabeth.

"I'm sorry but I am not your sister, miss Swann, in fact I am a Barbossa." I say as tears stream down my face faster an faster

I run to the edge of the ship but see we got too far away from land so I run to a cabin that was mine apparently. I sit on the bed and start to weep.

The Cursed Swann || The Curse Of The Black Pearl Where stories live. Discover now