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     AS SOKKA, YAN, ZUKO, AND SUKI WERE SNEAKING BACK INSIDE, an alarm sounded in the bell tower, alerting everyone in the prison. Yan gasped at the sudden noise and looked up as the quartet moved back into the prison. "Chit Sang was caught!" she whispered to Sokka, the group continuing to move so they wouldn't get caught next. The prison was going into lockdown, the prisoners were being forced back into their cells, and the escapees were being brought back to shore to face further punishment. 

The group stopped at a corner, Sokka peeking out. "The gondola's moving. This is it; if my dad's not there, we risked everything for nothing," he said, spotting the gondola that was used to get on and off the island as it began moving toward the landing platform. He was hoping and praying that his father was one of the war prisoners arriving. If not, he and his friends stayed behind for nothing. Suki squeezed his hand reassuringly as the gondola door was opened, prisoners slowly stepping out in chains. Many trying and quiet minutes passed as prisoners walked in a row off the gondola; Sokka had lost all hope before one final prisoner walked out: his father.

Sokka and Yan hurried onto the landing platform and stood in line with the other guards as the prisoners stood in a quiet row, the Warden inspecting each of them with a judging eye. "Welcome to the Boiling Rock. I'm sure you've all heard the horrible rumors about our little island. Well, I just wanted to tell you that they don't have to be true as long as you do everything I say." the Warden began, stopping in front of Sokka's father. "Look me in the eye when I'm talking to you."

Sokka's father kept his gaze on the floor, muttering a no when the Warden ordered him to look at him. The Warden then used his foot to yank Sokka's father to the ground in humiliation. "I know exactly who you are, Hakoda of the Water Tribe. So strong-willed, but don't worry, we'll get rid of that in time. Now look me in the eye!" the Warden ordered again. Hakoda slowly looked up from his crouched position, a glare written on his face. "See? Isn't that better? You will all do as I say or pay the price. You will all-"

The Warden was cut off as he tripped over Hakoda's cuffed hands, Sokka having to stifle a laugh as the harsh man fell with a thud. Two guards came to assist the furious man as he quickly got up and ordered the prisoners to be taken to their cells. Sokka and Yan hurried inside, Yan now standing guard outside of Hakoda's cell as the Water Tribe boy reunited with his father.

"Wrap it up, Sokka," she whispered as she knocked on the cell door, wanting Sokka to hurry before they were found in a similar situation as they were when he visited Suki. After quickly saying goodbye to his father, Sokka exited the cell, explaining that he and his father had come up with another escape plan, though this one would need a large distraction.

"The gondola? How will we even get to the gondola with all the guards around?" Yan asked as they crouched beside a staircase to hide from any passing guard. The guards had just taken Zuko somewhere, probably to interrogate him over the failed escape involving Chit Sang.

"We're going to start a prison riot. It'll be a big enough distraction for us to grab the Warden and use him as a hostage. That way we can get into the gondola and across the lake without the worry of the line being cut." Sokka further explained. Yan hummed in thought and nodded at the new idea, approving of the hostage situation.

"Hey, you two! The Warden wants to see you both!" a guard shouted at the earthbender and the Water Tribe boy when he spotted them crouched behind a staircase. Sokka and Yan pulled the eyepiece of their helmets over their faces to hide their identities as they stood up and were escorted by two more guards to the prison tower.

"Put them in the lineup." the Warden ordered as Sokka and Yan were brought to the courtyard of one of the watchtowers. Nine other guards stood in a line before the Warden for reasons unknown, all of their helmets removed, including the two teens in disguise who tried to hide. "One of you is an impostor who thought they could fool me. But now, that person is going to be in a lot of trouble. Who is it?" Chit Sang was brought out, making Sokka and Yan very nervous; well, Sokka was shaking like a leaf while Yan kept her composure.

𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍 | prince zukoWhere stories live. Discover now