changed or same??

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*roses POV*

Soon not long after i begain to feel a tingling feeling in my wrists, hands, and anckle i also heard three voices one of wich sounded very familar the other two sounded of. I was finaly able to open my eyes and i was in a cabon i stayed queit and dint move now that i know why my wrist,hands,and anckle had hurt well they where tighed up to a chair. I managed to stay quiet enough so they didnt notice i was awake so i lissend to every word so i could try to see who it was.

"I swear just kill her Jeff its you dutty WHY?!?? keep her as a pet?? or even keep her alive at all" a guy said .i tryed to make out his evil town to his voice but yet couldn't so i focoused on who followed in reply and caught who it was right off. "NO!! im not killing her just yet ok..i don't know why but...theres something off about her.." he replys saying raspy and evily but yet so camly. I knew for sure that was Jeff The Killed but yet it didnt really alert me at all i had a plesant feeling but ignored it and still lissend to yet the third guy talk in a deep and dark minicing town. "well??i can say i don't agrea but Ben's right Jeff killer ..shes human! and also it's Slendies orders no one disobays i want her kidneys i already smell them?!?" my eyes wuden hearing his responce and the name of the other guy that spoke first as well as knowing who he was i started to shake a bit but i tryed to stay as quiet as i ciukd but i hear foot steps walking my way so i couldn't help but mummble "mhmhmhm" but then i realized i had a bandage over my mouth and tears exscaped my eyes as a could hand touched my shoulder so i closed my eyes but knew i needed them open and when i did i seen a guy with blond hair and red eyes but it looked as if he was crying black gew from them and he was drenched head to town in water he wore a long green hat and green cloths 'kindav looks like link' i thought to my self but then he spoke and i frooze lissening and tenced up as he spoke each word.

"Know lissen here rose, by the way you sit there tense and quiet i can tell you already kniw who we are am i right?" he asks in a caml town but with an evil grin accrost his face. i just simply nod staying quiet"..."."alright then you know you would be dead by now?then but someone wants to keep you alive so your very lucky!" he says roling his red eyes. *i take a deep breath understanding this all already from what i heard.

Then a guy wearing a black hoodie and a blue mask with no eyes and they where driping like ben's had been ,he walked out of the shadow of the corrner and spooken in his deep dark voice" You know i would have gutted you for your kidneys by know your auiet lucky got it" he say's as he lifts his mask past his mouth and licks his lips showing his razed sharp teeth.

Jeff"al right nock it off"he says walking infront if me and my eyes widen seeing his ful apearance just as the story says cut off eyelids,a forced smile,burns and like leather white skin. I maneged to make it looked like i wasn't so shocked but yet again i was.When ben looked over he noticed i didnt look frightend and got mad and crossed his arms and spoke almost yelling"So your not scared or suprized wow!!new one for us how about i help you with that" ben then starts to walk over twards me but jeff jumps in the way and pushes him over." I SAID NO KILLING HER BEEN AND SAME GOES WITH YOU JACK GOT IF!" he yells in his raspy and evil towned voice. I couldn't help it but i smiled in safness I aphave no clue at all why but i did i even blushed and i knew this be ause i never did that ever. I soon noticed that jack and ben both noded and left mummbling and grumbing.

I then looked around but couldn't find Jeff 'hu where h-'i though but was soon inturupted as his could white lethery feel of his hand brushed my cheek as he foo kthe mouth cover off and spoke once more " im sorr py but not sorry about ben and jack they have no control" he says in a calm voice. I noticed this time it wasn't raspy at all but i ignired it and spoke replying" no its ok just thanks for nof killing me i alriceate it a lot" I disnt notice but as i was speeking i was smiling and seemed very calm and safe as i said befors i have no clue why though.

(theres the end sorry for such a big cliff hanged omg im getting so excited about this storry my self hopefuky you readers like it as much as i do but coment what you think will happen in the nexted chappted and who you want to be in the nexted chapter and you just might see also if you kike out some ideas in the coments p you might see yours come to life in the storry who knows?)

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