2. Tango X Wels - August Rain May Bring Good Times

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It was dark and gloomy in HermitCraft. Everyone was curled up in their own bases as the sky opened up above.

One hermit however, was stupid enough to be out in the pouring rain.

His white hair whipped wildly in the wind, the knight shivered, drenched to the bone.

He had attempted to find shelter, but kept failing, ultimately giving up. It was slowly turning night. Too scared to usehis wings, and too tired to keep walking, he huddled under a tree in hopes that someone else came along.

His hopes were answered.

"Wels?" The knight looked up from where he had put his chin on his knees. "What are you doing all the way out here?" Wels unwrapped his wings from around himself a little bit before answering. "I came out here to get some resources for my megabase, but I didn't account on the rainstorm."

Tango sat down next to him and put his arm around his shoulder. "I can see you shivering. I'm not going to judge you if you lean on me for heat." The blond looked away. He felt a head hit his shoulder.

"Thanks Tango. I appreciate it." The blond nodded. "I won't tell anyone else about this either." A nod was the only reply.

Wels had closed his eyes, breathing in the rain-soaked  air. But promptly opened them again as Tango had taken his own helmet off and began to card his fingers through the knight's white hair.

Wels looked up. "Sorry if you didn't like that." Wels just shook his head. "Beef does that to me too when I'm worked up over something." The demon just nodded and continued until the white haired male fell asleep.

When Wels woke up the next morning, he noticed two things. Who he was practically laying on, and said blond whispering to a sleepyboi 'Suma.

He tuned into the conversation without opening his eyes.

"But he's being so adorable." He heard enough. "He's not adorable. He's comfy." "Uh. We actually were talking about you." Tango replied. "He's still asleep. Leave a message and I'll try to get back to you." I said and promptly fell back to sleep on Tango's chest.

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