Hitman - Welsknight

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I pulled the sword out of the belt at my waist. The person in front of me stared back at me with scared eyes. I was a hired hitman in the server hub. After the kingdom of Swordscraft was invaded by watchers, myself and those on the server with me all became homeless. But I chose another route to take. The lonely life of a hitman. I sighed. "I really don't want to have to do this, but you left me no choice." The girl in front of me had bright red hair in a bob cut and green eyes with round glasses. She was, two weeks ago, trying to seduce me and I wouldn't have it.

It just so happened that my employer wanted her dead. So I pretended to go out on a little 'date' with her to shut her up, but she didn't show. It had taken me two whole weeks just to track her down. "You know that you're a bitch, right? Who seduces people and then don't show up? Well, you have had your last fun." Two hours ago, I had found her and knocked her out with the hilt of my sword and tied her up, dragging her here, to an old warehouse that no one uses anymore. "Anything you would like to say or ask before I cut you up?" She nodded a bit. "Why are you doing this? Who are you?" I laughed a bit. "Ah, ah, ah," I tutted, "You only get one question. I never said two. Why am I doing this? It's simple, really. Someone wanted you dead, I'm a professional hitman, yada, yada." I said. "Now, TIME TO DIE!" She screamed, in hopes that someone would hear her, but I knew no one would.

Her scream soon cut off. Finally! Silence! She was finally dead. I whispered that mantra that I was so accustomed to; Rest. In. Pieces." I growled out.

Kill Count: 97.

~ The next morning, I got a letter in the mail. My nnext victim. I had a kill count of 97 and still more to come. My next was a very wealthy one. I was to take down an admin from a server called hermitcraft? The name kinda sounded childish, not going to lie..

Later that day, I was at the spot in the alleyway that The man was supposed to be. And lo and behold, he was there, however I didn't acount for the four others with him. Whatever. They would all die. I narrowed my eyes. Starting with that stupid blond haired demon. I hated hybrids, despite me being a dragon. I pulled my crossbow out. This time, my dragon side wanted to play. I smirked and pulled the trigger.. And shot the blond in the knee. The four ran over to him. I chuckled darkly. This was going to be fun. I could pick out which one I was supposed to kill easily.

There were two blonds, a brunette, a ravenette and the helmeted man that was the admin. I jumped down off my roof, making a noise. Thhey all turned. "Alright, no one move or your demon dies." "What do you want with me?" The blond that I had shot with an arrow asked. "I shot you because I didn't want you to be able to do anything as you all watch as I kill your admin." I said. "And I also chose him," I pointed to him, "because he's a demon. I absolutely hate hybrids. And because he seems that he's the strongest of the three of you." The brunette came forwards. "I can't allow this, sorry." I laughed darkly. "You better be glad that my dragon wants to play." I screamed, and it turned to a dragon's roar. I grabbed the brunette in my claws and tossed him in the air like a ball.

"Wait, he's a hybrid too?" The other blond pipped up. I decided I wanted to have fun before their deaths. I picked them all up, the ravenette and the demon in one claw, the brunette and the other blond in the other and picked the admin up with my mouth and took off. "Please, I can't do hights." The brunette yelled. "Impulse, just close your eyes, dude." The ravenette had said. So the brunette's name was Impulse? Huh. That ravenette seemed to care a lot about him. I rolled my eyes and showed off. We were beyond the clouds now. I tucked my wings into my body and plunged into a freefall. "HOLY SH-" "whAT THE FU-" I was having fun. After all, I earned this. This was the first time I was killing an admin, not to mention, these kills would put my kill count over 100. "Please let us live?" The other purple-eyed blond asked. "Zedaph, it's a dragon. They don't care. They would kill their own soulmate. Not to mantion, they have huge sex drives."

This demon was correct on both accounts. Although, I would never call myself a hybrid of anything. I'm not half anything. I'm a pure dragon. All dragons are shifters, and I'm not any different.

When we all were 50 feet from the groud I pulled up at the last minute. I learned to never trust humans from a young age. I shivered. I still had a bald spot on my tail from when they had taken some scales.

I dropped them onto the ground once I landed, but kept the admin, I was told to kill. I turned back into myself, my helmet was gone, my tail still out. The admin was in my arms bridal style. "I'll strike a deal. I'll let you four live, go back to your server, however, do not tell anyone what I did, and I keep this guy. And, best part, you won't have to see him die." I cocked my head. "No." If we have to leave him here, we witness his death." "Wow, thanks, guys." The admin spoke. Something in my dragon must have completely snapped because I put the admin down. He must have been confused. I took his helmet off and stood there, shocked. My dragon was right to freak out and snap. My soulmate that I never thought I would ever have, was sitting right here, in front of me.

From the amout of racket my dragon was making, I knew I couldn't kill this man. Sure, I could kill the other four, none of them mean anythng to me. The admin cocked his head at my hesentancy. I knew what he was thinking. Why was I hesitating to kill him? The other four looked between both of us, however, I never took my eyes from this man. One of them seemed to get it. "When a dragon meets his soulmate, the only way a dragon knows is if they lock eyes, and the fact X wears a helmet, the dragon couldn't make that connection." Tango nodded at the ravenette. "And I think the dragon-" I cut off this Zedaph guy, "My dragon won't allow me to kill him, even though he's my target." I sighed. "But we are still getting killed, Zed." The brunette seemed resigned to his fate. I shook my head. "No. Despite my soulmate, all of you are not going home. This is how I can live another day in the poverty section of the server hub. Plus, at the end of the day, I'll get rewarded for having 102 kills." I looked back up. "Otherwise I have no where else to go." I said, turning away, hugging my body, my tail curling around my thigh.

"How about you come home with us?" I turned around and looked at the blond, shocked. "You mean, you want to have a dragon on your server? And are not going to hurt me?" My soulmate nodded. "I think you know their names now, as Zedaph and Impulse, but the demon is Tango, the ravenette is Skizz and I'm XisumaVoid. We welcome you wholeheartedly, to Hermitcraft."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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