Xisuma X Wels - REQ** Gemstones

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REQUESTED BY Lex_is_here_4_u

I grew up in a castle as a stablehand. My family was poor and my job just about kept us off the street. I never had anything nice. So when X had handed me a crystal, I was fascinated with it.

A green topaz. As the saying goes, dragons hoard shiny things. And soon, I had a plethora of shiny gems.

Sapphires, emeralds, diamonds, amethysts and even rainbow quartz had all made their homes in my cave.

Some hermits didn't understand my obsession. Some were completely unaware of it.

"Wels? Are you here?" Asked a British voice I new all to well. "Howdydo? What can I help you with, X?"

He cocked his head to the side at all the crystals surrounding me. "Don't ask. Just don't ask." "Ah. Well, I just came to spend the day with you. If your not too busy." X said, taking off his armor and fluffing up his wings.

I nodded. "Sounds nice." He smiled. "Maybe tell me about some of these crystals?" He asked. We both sat down in my living room on separate couches. "Sure.

And that's how I spend the day. Chatting about crystals, history, and some of the abandoned exploration X had did a long time ago irl with Kerais and Bdubs.

(I really didn't know how to end it. Sorry if it's short. Also, I think I'm going to do a repost every 1st of the month.)

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