Scar X Wels - You've Been Jellied - FUNNY DRABBLE

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Plot. Jellie started playing a game with the other hermits. Take something of theirs that's dear to them and leave a muddy pawprint where the item was. Until Wels freaks out thinking he lost his dog Remi.

I ran around my base looking for Remi. I even went as far as shaking her dog food container. She always came running to that.

I sighed, trying to not freak out. I typed out a fast message in the chat, but the more sensible part of me made me slow down making typos.
The final message went something along the lines of,

WelsKnight> Has anyone seen my dog Remi? I can't find her and am very scared something bad happened to her. If you find her, please let me know. I'll come pick her up.

Now, all that was left to do was wait.

XisumaVoid> Damn. I saw her with Jellie about an hour ago. You should have said something earler!!

CubFan135> jellie and I are with Scar right now. Looking for the cat too.

Grian> what? No. Jellie had wandered into Mumbo's base. She's asleep on his lap rn.

CubFan135> thanks G. We will be right there.

Grian> k. But no dog here. Sorry Wels.

So then, where the heck was Remi.

I was really starting to panic.

WelsKnight> X, could you help me find her? I'm really panicking right now.

I waited a couple moments. Still no response. I checked the comms.

AFK. Grr. I folled my eyes and flew to where I knew he would be.

He was stood there at the skellie grinder, leaning up againced the wall. I shook him hard, snapping him out of it.

"Could you please help me find Remi?" I held up her treats bag. He nodded. "I got bones."

We scour the entire server only to find her asleep curled up with Jellie, Maui, Pearl and Magika in Scar's Scarland castle on a soft looking cushion.

X and I look over at eachother, my eye twitching. "That's it! NO TREATS FOR YOU!" I yelled, waking them all up.

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