Chapter 17 - Confrontation.

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Charlotte flew to New York and went into the office of the manager who ran Primal Industries. "You have to let Mrs. Levine go!" Charlotte demanded she look directly into the eyes of Alexis Mallin, "And why would I do that? Even after you sent us that email, saying that you don't want to work with us anymore." Alexis Mallin said he knew what Charlotte wanted, Charlotte slammed her hand on the desk, the desk made a cracking noise and it broke in half.

"What if I told you... You can have Mrs. Levine released, but only on one condition." Alexis Mallin said Charlotte got interested in the deal. "What's the condition?" Charlotte asked if she wanted to know what the condition was. She was willing to fulfill that one condition just to get Mrs. Levine released. "Well, I need you to go inside a room. It's just for a small experiment, nothing harmful, I just need you to stay in the room for three days. That's the condition." Alexis Mallin said he wanted Charlotte to believe that it was the only way to release Mrs. Levine.

Charlotte knew what Alexis was planning to do, "No! Not a chance!" Charlotte yelled. "Fine, be that way," Alexis said as he snapped his fingers and two blonde women grabbed Charlotte's arms and held her. "Take her to the room, she'll be in there for a long time." Asserting Alexis, Charlotte tried to get herself free from the two blondes holding her. Charlotte was dragged out of the room, "Let me go!" Charlotte screamed.

Charlotte was dragged into a dimly lit room. Charlotte squirmed around trying to free herself. The two blondes threw Charlotte to the floor causing Charlotte to fall on her side, Charlotte picked herself up, and the two blondes were already leaving. A few seconds later Charlotte heard something heavy and metallic close. Charlotte looked around, the dimly lit room had three clocks, Paris, New York, and Amsterdam. The clocks never moved, there was also a door and a singular locker. Charlotte then looked to her left, there was a bookshelf and a counter with stacks of books and newspapers. And an elevator door. Charlotte then looked behind her, slightly peering over, she saw a bed and a small space, designed to put possessions in there. Small workshop space and a few monitors.

Charlotte didn't know what Alexis was up to, but she knew that something bad was going to happen to her.

Alexis was still in his office, he had observed that Charlotte had single-handedly broken his desk by just slamming her hand onto the desk, and breaking it in half. Alexis had also observed the first time that Charlotte had visited, she had a necklace and it would glow. Alexis found out that Charlotte had energy reserves, but there wasn't much data known about energy reserves and what they're used for, Alexis figured if he could drain the energy in her reserves she wouldn't be able to do anything.

Lavinia was in her father's office, "Lavinia, come with me." Alexis said signaling that Lavinia should come with him, Lavinia walked with her father. "I heard about Charlotte," Lavinia whispered she wasn't sure if Charlotte was an immoral person in this situation or was a reasonable person in this situation.

Charlotte was still in the dimly lit room, she sat on the cold concrete floor. The room seemed so depressing, and not even one day had passed. Charlotte wished that she had never signed that contract, either way, it couldn't be undone unless the contract was torn to shreds or burned in a bonfire. Charlotte watched the clocks, but they never seemed to move, Charlotte could've easily lost track of time. Eventually, Charlotte would be forcibly taken out of the room.

Charlotte was put in another room, she saw Alexis and Lavinia with other men wearing suits. "This is Charlotte Winslow, possessing a necklace that has many secrets," Alexis said, Charlotte glared at Alexis, her hands tied to her back. Unable to move her hands. "Take my necklace, but it will never betray its current host," Charlotte said, Charlotte knew very well about the necklace, and the necklace would adapt to its new and current host. Making it impossible for anyone to sever the bond between them, the necklace was also capable of taking any energy that it's not its current host.

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